Good Morning I would love to hear some advises from You guys I suffer from anxiety panic attacks thats makes me scared terrifyed of living my home and when i have to is like i cant breath a pression on my belly is like im not gonna reach the place i have to. I take mirtazarpine 30mg every night and they prescribe me proponolol what i take in emergency i just want to feel normal again im 3 months this way this is not living just surviving should i ask different med for during the day i cant hold more this way and it doesnt help people around not understanding abd make me feel more weird than i feel already
Good Morning panic attacks isolation... - Anxiety and Depre...
Good Morning panic attacks isolation anxiety feeling alone and dont no how to deal with extremely worries

small steps is there someone who can go out with you a friend a relative some one to reassure you everything is ok people don’t understand if they have never been in the same situation I don’t know why things change I don’t like crowded places too many people too much noise feel as though everyone looking but really they’re are not some days are better than others
I dont like as well but yesterday i has to walk to GP early morning it has quiet morning not much people and i could not relax all way i had a belly pression cant breath dizzy i try to relax but is stronger than me right now and what scares me the most is tge physical symptoms
Have a look on you tube I watched a video on there some one was talking about anxiety and panic attacks basically the more you give in to it the more it takes from you a bit like a bully the more you cower away the more they like it and think they have power over you but the moment you turn on them they have second thoughts the lady on you tube said stand up to your panic attack come on bring it on try not to over think try and think positive easier said than done I know good luck 👍
The physical symptoms are the worst for me cause it’s hard to tell if something is majorly wrong. I’ve been chasing physical symptoms for 10 years now and nothings really come up to explain things besides anxiety.
for a while I had constant nausea. It was so bad. That went away for some reason. The worst currently are the feelings of dizziness- not vertigo, but unsteady on my feet and feeling like I’m going to tip over.
Everyday I’m exhausted and have headaches and brain fog is pretty common. And it just feels like I’m in constant survival mode against my body.
I went to the doctors the other day, and in the span of about 3 minutes being alone in the exam room, I completely spiraled with anxiety and started crying. My therapist has also said similar things to Gingerbreadman1978, of not giving in and assert dominance.. but it feels like an impossible task because the anxiety and depression don’t like to listen to me and just keep pushing me down on the ground. How can I fight when I can’t get any footing?
Sorry you are going through that. I went many years without any medicine or support system. You are not alone. You will find what works. You have a support system here!
I've struggled with panic a lot on and off and when I first started taking paxil 30 mgs it literally was like flipping a switch after I had taken it for like 3 days. I didn't have another panic attack for years. So I would say if you've been trying that daily medication for over a couple weeks and they're still persisting, you might want to consider talking to your doc about a different medication. Also, clonazepam has been super helpful for me as a PRN. I take 0.5 mgs. Another thing to try is 'guided breathing meditation with kim eng' on YouTube. It's the one that's 10:52 long. I've used that one countless times over the years. She has the most calming voice.