When nothing is scary, but you cant b... - Anxiety and Depre...

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When nothing is scary, but you cant believe so ..

Kevin160 profile image
6 Replies

I have nohing to fear , worry about,

Healthy,financially stable, family are well, ..doing ok , nothing to complain about currently

But i just feel scared, on edge, uncomfortable, its the heart palpitations that annoy me most, because the emitate fear that might nit even be there , and it stays until i feel im about to panic ..i just feel like god hates me , life hates me whatever ...the thing i was worried about most turned out to be the easiest thing , it took me a month to get over my obsession/anxiety over blood pressure and pulse ...i use to obsess so bad and fear any slight change, no its been weeks since i gave it a thought, its not scary, but since then regardless what happens, im always scares all day , everday ..sometimes its better than ithers but today was terrible, felt scared all day eventhough its a day off, i should be relaxed , i guess i overate and felt like my heart keeps skipping a beat and fluttering, and i just have all these things to do in my head that im soo tired and done with this , i just keep thinking this is harmful, this is not harmful, why would it be, why ould it not be harmless ...and i feel pressured yet calm , i feel anxious yet ok ...i domt know whats happening, and i have alot to worry about , and i have nothing that deserves my worry , i just overthink things that will turn out fine i know it ...nothing is going to affect my future yet i cant stop thinking, worrying,

Whats bothers me most is that i dont feel scares, i just know i am somehow, from the heart palpitations , the on edge feeling, but i search and search and cant find anything im afraid for or worries me ..i think am i afraid that its harmful or not, then i say no its not plus its mild anxiety , im not scared i dont feel like i used to , just the palpitations and an uncomfortable feeling , so what is it ...am i worried about school , exams , A levels, noo i will be fine, i domt have alot of pressure its in my head ...

I litteraly have nothing to fear but it doesnt stop and today was worse , any simple inconvinience makes me anxious, a fight , a sore throat , a story i hear, a movie i watch , i cant live being scared all the time, life is beautiful but im just worried all the dman time , and i was never like this and i used to call myself stressed, clearly i didnt know this ..and i find myself very emotional to people who are depresed, done with life, and soooo desperate because i feel most of this ...no im not giving up but i just want a break , and i do keep thinking im going to die , not necessarily from stress, just worry ill die , death anxiety and heakth anxiety and just GAD , SCARY THIUGHTS , DEPRESSIVE THOUGHTS ...alot of things i want to say but i just tired ;( ....and i cant believe sometimes this is happening just a few months ago i was fine ...and its sad how it happened and how whenever im close to finishing and overcoming my current battle , anither one comes just before the first one finishes, imfeel soooooo close but yet sooo far away because this cycle doesnt break, it just gets worse ...

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Kevin160 profile image
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6 Replies
Kat63 profile image

When you’re having a panic attack, do you have any coping mechanisms, like deep breathing? That helps with the immediate emergency.

For deeper, longer-term help, you might want to consider talk therapy and medication.

Kevin160 profile image
Kevin160 in reply to Kat63

I stopped getting panic attacks...and i do have techniques ..such as meditation and deep breathing..my only problem is the constant anxiety

Breathe23 profile image

It's a vicious cycle believe me I've had panic for years it comes and it goes. The bottom line is your only existing if you let it keep you down. I had to face so many fears just so I could actually get out and live.but I did it .I just went through major family stress and finally decided I'm not in control of everything and stopped analyzing everything till.it stressed me. Btw do you have high blood pressure? I obsessed over mine all the time too...I had to stop that too. When my panic comes I love to exercise that's what helps me.. fight or flight response is what the panic is. You either fight it or let it go then it doesnt last as long .

Hope you feel like you again soon and I think you will.

Kevin160 profile image
Kevin160 in reply to Breathe23

I dont have high blood pressure..but this whole anxiety was triggered after a doctor pointed out that my blood pressure skyrockets when i have stress or anxiety..so for weeks i had constant panic attacie because i wasnts educated about bp and thought I'll die from a stroke or heart attack..now I'm over that i dont worry about it because deep breathing techniques immediately lowers it and calms me but my anxiety is still there ..its much less than before but it doesnt stop ;(

Lazy_dog_lover profile image

If you have had a physical and a stress test that says you are physically fine, have you been to a therapist or psychiatrist to check on the fears?

Journal your triggers.

Research "grounding techniques". Then research "shame". I had similar fears after growing up in a normal middle class family, good school, good group of childhood friends...but I lost a lot through fear and shame and self sabotage.

The world is insane right now, so there are a lot of fears that are surfacing.

Simplify your life. Find your focus. The fears are real to you, so don't ignore or discount them. Find a way through them. You can only control what is in your reach to control.

Group therapy is nice...and I never thought I'd say that. Almost better that 1:1.

Do your hobbies. Do service for others...it helps you appreciate your own life.

Good luck.

Freeinchris profile image

I'm sorry your going through this. Life is hard enough without having this personal battle in our most intimate space where peace should remain.

First of all....God Does Love you! You were created out of, through, and for His love. The enemy is the reason this battle exists and we MUST fight it!

In my journey through this struggle I have found it is a whole mind-body problem. My mentality, thoughts, belief, diet.....was unbalanced. Plus you have to factor in age and where we are in our life cycle (for me I'm 45 heading into perimenapause and my everything is starting to change lol)

I was and still am shocked at how long of a journey it is back to "normal" but its worth it and we can do it.

Take time whenever you can to enforce positive thoughts and belief about your future, even if you don't believe it (and you wont for a while) but keep saying it until you do believe it. Because its true. God really does want whats best for us. He says in Jaramiah "I know the plans I have for you, plans for the good, to prosper you. Not plans to harm you"

We CAN do this. We CAN overcome this! Hope this helps :)

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