I’d been going to my friends work for the past two weeks right after I’d finish my shift and she was starting hers because it was right next door. A couple of times I’d gone in there for quite a long time around 20-30 minutes to rant to her then I’d go home. I’m so stupid, just 45 minutes ago today I’d had a bad day and needed to rant to her, whenever customers come in I’ll sit down sand what till she done with them and then continue ranting. Her boss loves me and always says hi. I’d been in there around 10-15 minutes and began to continue ranting after a customer had been served when the boss comes out to the front and starts repeatedly saying ‘go’ whilst making a shooing jester with his hands.
I can’t believe myself, of course he was getting annoyed by me. Why am I so stupid? I know not to distract people whilst their working. It’s common sense!!! Why do I have no common sense!!!! Why can’t I think before I do. I know not to do these things yet I always find my self caught doing them. What is wrong with me!!!!
I am never going to be able to walk into that shop again and I don’t deserve to. I am disrespectful, I would hate me too if I was in his position. He’ll never see me as the person that I appeared as before. I can never forgive myself.
I’m so rude
I’m so disrespectful
I am annoying
I’m so stupid
I’m an idiot
I can believe myself
I would I ever have though it was ok for me to do that
Why did I do that
I’m so dumb and stupid
I hate myself