I am very afraid not sure why I have a friend staying with me because I need help with taking care of my soon to be 8 months little boy that I love and I know that I can't take care of him like he should be so I ask my friend to stay with me I was thinking that he would be better off with out me but then I was thinking that he didn't ask to come in to the world so I need to stop thinking that way but I just don't like this feeling and I don't understand why I am feeling this way...Can any one say that they every feel that way and how did you get over it?
very afraid: I am very afraid not sure... - Anxiety and Depre...
very afraid

This sounds a lot like post partum depression, Mary. It is very common. Maybe look for books on that topic and see if any of them help you?
I am glad your friend is staying with you to help you get through this difficult time.
This is not uncommon. Call your doctor and make an appointment ASAP. There is relief.
Thank you for posting & stating your true feelings here. You are not alone how you feel.
You might be experiencing post partum depression which affects many many moms. You are going to be OK.
Eowyn7 and AZ1970 gave u great advice and I agree w them.
Dont wait. Tell your Dr. Glad to hear u have a friend w you.
How wise of you to even notice your own feelings during this time. Very good job having a friend come help. You will be a wonderful parent, you just need a little extra help right now. Everyone needs help!!!! I suffered from post partum depression and it does get better!
It is hard work looking after your son being on hand night and day - think the support will be helpful. Do you think it is because you are so overtired that you might need to check your iron levels? This happened to a family member who was told her iron levels were marginally low - so she took an iron supplement from pharmacist and felt heaps better in a few weeks.
If I get a cold or feel low, I find multivitamin tablets floradix with iron are a tonic. The company will give you a chance to put your feet up for a few hours a day not to say how your little one will capture the heart of your friend. One smile and he'll be putty in your son's hand.

lol yes he does that to people that is why I love him so much...

oh I forgot to say thank you for the kind words