After leaving the group for some time I am back to report few interesting things.
I left because I felt that reading about mental problems only creates layers of information that your brain recycles again and again and thus prolongs/makes the mental problems more serious. This month+ was a time to see if I can use discipline to combat my anxiety/depression/disturbed sleep/slight adhd.
So, observations:
1. reducing use of internet - especially facebook, instagram, funny memem sites etc. helps tremedously. I cannot stress enough how much more peaceful my mind became after I stopped looking at random information.
I really enjoy internet stuff but it was surprising how many sites I visited in an hour, after looking through internet history. Every site creates new associations, thoughts etc - they all eventually become short memories and manifest themselves when you go to sleep or are idle - and that grows into anxiety attack in a second. After removing this randomness the brain suddenly felt extremely calm even after just few hours.
So conclusion - it is smart to stop usage of any devices 2 hours before sleep. Internet, especially social sites and funny random site use should be reduced to minimum or excluded altogether.
2. I started strict discipline, and try to follow it as much as I can.
Sleep at 23:30
Wake up 6:00 +/-15min
Make bed, light stretch, drink water about 0,5 Liter
Gym 1-1,5 hours (every other day). If no gym - light exercise (20 situps, pushups, pullups etc) and watch news on telly.
Breakfast 8:00
Work /on weekend - studies
Work - 1 hour work, 15 min rest cycles.
Food 11:00
Food 15:00
Food 17:00 (I try to eat a lot to build muscle).
Go home by 18:00
Light food ~20:00
21:30 - stop using electronic devices.
Read/write (yeah, it's super hard to get used to wirthout internet).
23:00 - wash,
23:30 I am in bed already, lights out.
Conclusions - it's hard to get used to, but I feel it gives simple structure to everyday life that you look forward to. Once you do it few times, you actually start enjoying early mornings and evening stretch etc. It makes me think about what I want or feel less, and also creates discipline in my mind. Discipline in one sphere becomes discipline in other.
EDIT:28.01.2019. - occasional meeting with friends also proven very beneficial. Preferably meeting friends in less "sit around" circumstances, but to do something active - sports, dancing, motorbiking, shopping etc. something where there is interesting non-personal things and ideas to discuss.
3. Started exercising more, as stated above.
I feel that exercises provide excellent source of concentration, health (blood pressure) and joy (you get endorphins while exercising and testosterone next few days).
I personally enjoy lifting weights, but probably more cardio-oriented exercises would be even better - swimming, biking, running.
Overall experience for now is positive - it takes some willpower to go to gym when I really, really don't want to, but after you have feeling of finished work, you drink protein shake and feel like in heaven, and during exercises concentration sets in - no more random thoughts, you think only about pain and one more repetition. And you eventually grow some meat on yourself and enhance self-confidence, which again tremedously reduces anxiety.
MOST IMPORTANT thing that was solved with discipline and exercises - random thoughts/mindpops disappeared (or rather normalized. I always had them, but I just accepted that as my own subconscious mind slipping me ideas, because I always had it focused on the task at hand. .. in comparison during my anxiety random thoughts were truly random at times when I really did not expect them, which was disturbing).
EDIT: 28.01.2019. - Exercises proven to be absolutely best, once you start having a regime. For novicecs - 2x to 3x a week will be all you need. Remember - do exercises as if you are ready to die there in the gym (I am not talking huge weights, I mean dot hold back even when skipping rope).
After you take shower and walk home feeling is like being on drugs (I dont use any, just assume). You feel snow or sun on your face and you can almost cry how beautiful the world is. people around all seem like your best bros, they are your "towns people", you feel no worries about anything. I think these worry-less periods make you more ready for excellent workday, socialisation and better sleep. Thank you endorphines
4. My current issues that remain are - disturbed sleep. Unless I can sleep in first half of the night is always disturbed, I wake up every 1,5 hours. After that I usually sleep very good. Source of problem - I was traumatized by night panic attacks like 4 months ago) and since then haven't spent almost a single night without looking at phone every time I wake up. Overall health has not suffered. I'd still rather prefer to sleep 6 hour undisturbed than 8 hours waking up a few times in the middle.
Disturbed sleep also has made my blood pressure higher (whole life I have been 120/60 .. now 135/75. Something I hope shall get fixed on itself with exercise.)
EDIT: 28.01.2019. Blood pressure has gone down to very average 125/80. Sleep has been disturbed still, mainly because I developed terrible habit to watch youtube because I woke up at 3AM. if I wake up, I just read a book or at worst - listen to radio. Waking up is not disturbing, but a nuisance, since I can't sleep in. I feel it is slowly disappearing. about 3 out of 7 nights a week I sleep without disturbance whole 7 hours a night.
5. Things that did not change, but morphed positively - my natural ADHD-iviness is back to normal. I still do many things at once (my weasel syndrome), but I have good control about what I do or think. I look quite peaceful from aside, but once I am railed up I just go on and on about deep topics or work on small details like it's the most important thing in the world.
Excluding coffee from diet did not change much, except my teeth got like 3 levels whiter.
After exercises I feel incredible calm, so that has become my solution - if I need to do something analytical I exercise, and if I want that feel of freedom to speak to people publicly (like groups) I can exercise or run almost to exhaustion. Makes my mind very sharp and body calm.
EDIT 28.01.2019. - letting go of the feeling that I am late really helped me. I think my running mind is now much more focused. Work a little slower and more confidently, that's the advice.
So that's my current experience.