Do you guys ever get so that your mind feels foggy and it’s hard to think straight? It’s like I can’t quite wake up. I’ve been up for hours but did not sleep well at all. It’s a scary feeling to feel I can’t use my brain very well. Suggestions?
Tired and foggy cant turn on my brain - Anxiety and Depre...
Tired and foggy cant turn on my brain

sorry you're having a rough day. i definitely know the feeling of brainfog. fresh air always seems to help me - whether a walk or jog or bike ride or just sitting outside to find some peace for a few minutes. hope your day gets better
You need sleep. Sleep deprivation does thus to me and my anxiety tendencies are also worse.
10-15 minute power nap. No more than this or sleep inertia will make you feel worse,

Yes! Thanks neeeeeeed sleeeeeeeep 😂
Hi Starrlight. I know this feeling all too well and you're right, it is scary. I call it mentally asleep. I like birdtheword's suggestion of fresh air. That helps me too.
Not sleeping well is definitely a factor here, just in case you're wondering. Do you normally have trouble sleeping and if so, have you been to see the doctor about it?

Yup doc put me on a terrible med. do not taking that but am taking Benadryl and Melatonin
I'm sorry. Lack of sleep is beyond awful. I went through about 7 months of involuntary sleep depravation back in 2015. My emotions went places emotions should never go during this time.
Can I ask how long this has been going on for?

I guess around a month
Ok. Does it coinicide with starting new medication or a stressor of some kind? (Getting somewhere with this, I promise)

Online schooling is a stressor. Also my husband sexually violated me in my sleep. So yeah it’s ridiculous.
Oh...oh dear I'm so sorry. Have you confided in someone about this?

Yes. I have told my therapist. She says it’s abuse. Yes it is. I feel so pissed off. I’m disgusted.

I think I’ll punch him in the face if he tries again
I am so incredibly sorry, Starrlight. I would suggest talking to your therapist about that. That is essentially rape, is it not?

I guess. Yes. He usually doesn’t get far as I wake up.
Oh, honey. I had no idea. Can you involve the police?

I don’t think I want to do that.
No, I get that. Just a thought, that's all
Good for you, but what if he fights back?

Nah I don’t think he would but it would be worth it to me even if he did.
Damn right it would. I am so sorry.

Thanks Minnie.
It’s so sad. We’ve always been close and love each other but he’s got a problem. But that’s not my fault. I should pay for his issue.
You need to take the time you need to get over something like this. Keep doing what you're doing by talking to your therapist. wonder you feel bad.
This might have something to do with your sleep troubles. What do you think?

Yes for sure
Well, I need to go. Take really good care of yourself, okay? We are here for you.❤❤

Thank you I will
Yes, it's common. There are numerous reasons it can happen: lack of sleep, stress, depression, anxiety, and some medications. I am like that some days or even weeks (depending on my state of mind), It comes and goes, so after months of being upset about it, I just got to the point where I just accepted it and say to myself, it will be better when I get more sleep or when my anxiety passes or (fill in the blank). When I am real foggy, if I can, I just hang out and watch something funny so I don't have to think. If I have a lot to so in one day, I break out stuff over several days. It is scary though. I totally get it.

Great idea!!! Thanks 😊
Sometimes it is diet, sometimes it is our meds. Have there been any changes lately?
It took me a long time to learn that is was OK to call the doctor every time I felt bad. It was the only way they could do their job.
Oh yes, I wander around my apartment looking for the OCD thing that will guide me!
Take care,