From the outside, I'm living a perfect life. I am 29 and have a great corporate job with lots of leadership responsibility. I have a beautiful girlfriend who loves me and we've been dating for almost a year. I have family that loves and cares about me. I have plenty of spending money and no student debt. I go to church every week and accepted Jesus Christ into my life about a year and a half ago.
This last weekend, I hit a breaking point. I feel sick inside. I've been dry-heaving and have lost all hope to do anything. I am seriously considering quitting my job, even though I am in the wake of some huge projects that I am leading and my team is counting on me to deliver. I called in sick today and ditched some important meetings. I want to push my girlfriend away to protect her and keep her out of this darkness. I can't help talk about crappy painful things and I feel my life deteriorating. I don't know what to do, and I am scared and I feel I want to give up on everything, curl in a ball and just cry. Or quit everything, sell everything and move away to an island with no responsibilities and no one to hurt. I am saying self-sabotaging things about myself and inviting more pain into my life and the terrible pain feels good for some awful reason. This is terrible, I hate it. My chest is numb, I can barely think and I just want to give up. Please help.
I'm going to go see a therapist right now. Thank you.