i joined here because i recently didn't know who to talk to anymore - i have been struggling with anxiety and depression for 6 years and i am fed up and hurting, some days i feel overwhelmed with emotion and raw pain and i feel like screaming, other days i feel empty and numb and lifeless
it's hard to see the beauty of life, especially for a sufferer of depression. i spend my days in bed, watching netflix 24/7. it's hard to see an end to this rut.
i had such high aspirations for myself. when i was really young, i was an overachiever and a smart little cookie who was so happy, despite having divorced parents
now i feel i have lost that little girl, lost the spark in my eyes and the real person underneath - i now feel like a lifeless body who is merely a list of symptoms, instead of a real person
i still have goals but i fear my condition will stop me. i'm scared and i just want the pain to end. i have had lots of therapy and antidepressants and i have the most amazing mum, but it's still hard to see the good in life. i'm constantly exhausted and feel weak, my sleeping is all messed up and i eat a lot to deal with the pain (love a bit of KFC), sometimes i can't breathe and i feel sick, i scream and cry and feel so alone in this pain
i'm here to talk to others who understand and get it - no one in my life gets it - the feeling of wanting to die, no one in my life understands
the person underneath (who i am losing) is happy and crazy and fucking hilarious if i may say so myself, but the darkness of depression takes all my personality away
i would never wish for anyone else to feel this way, but i know there are many who do
i'm here to help myself heal and to help others, because depression sucks and even though we feel alone, we're in it together - if i can make one person smile, it would be a good day
none of you are alone, no matter how excruciatingly alone you feel - someone in this crazy world loves you, you are loved, and you have such strength inside that you haven't even recognised - i recognise it
i guess i need to try and recognise it in myself...
anyway, i hope tomorrow is a little better than today - smile 😊