Hey guys. So today was my very first session with seeing a psychologist. Very intro of a session asking me questions. And then it got a little more in depth with asking me about certain things in my life and as I was talking, she was anazlying me. I know I didn’t explain everything but once my session was done, she asked me if I considered seeing a psychiatrist because of the level that I was in. I was a bit concerned and didn’t really answer. She asked me to see her again but I’m just annoyed with myself that it has come to this. I just don’t understand why my panic attacks come the way they do and I have to talk to someone about it. Like the pain that I go through daily, is it really psychological ? Sorry. I’m just fed up with myself. I hope everyone is well.
First time seeing a psychologist - Anxiety and Depre...
First time seeing a psychologist

hello, i cant really help much because i dont really understand panic attacks, ive had a few but they were a couple of years ago. please dont be hard on yourself, you shouldnt be upset that you have to talk to someone and im new to all this and just recently joined to get help with deppression and some other stuff but if you ever need to talk and dont feel comfortable talking to people in person everyone here will help and support you.
i dont know if its psychological but maybe try and find the cause of your panic attacks and try your best to avoid those situations/problems or minimize your contact with them.
and i hope you are doing good and if you feel you arent then i hope that you do get better.
Thank you for your kind words. I appreciate that there are people wanting to listen and give support and help one another. This has been a long journey for me and it still has its downs. I’m trying to make better of it but it is really hard and most days I just want to give up. Thank you for expressing your kindness and giving me hope.
I think it's very hard to understand the ''why'' for most psychological problems and also ''why'' does getting help and talking about anxiety/panic problems with therapists and counselors help at all ?? I don't know..........but what i do know is that, you are taking a good step in the right direction, a direction that can give you hope. So, don't stop. Keep going. Go back to the therapist or find a different one, if you need to. See a psychiatrist and get connected. The more resources you have, the better............................when i first started having too many problems to cope with, i rejected a lot of help, because i did not think i should need this kind of help.......it almost killed me........it wasn't until i just gave in to having treatment, that once again i could start coping and living again, so then i could investigate more about why i needed things......................
It honestly is: understand the why and sometimes I tell myself it’s best not to know in a sense where If I know something is wrong or my brain telling me something is wrong, then I go into a full blown panic attack. So I’m trying not to worry on the worry but panic attacks comes as it pleases. I appreciate your words. Thank you. I will hugely take them into consideration. These are brand new stepping stones for me as far as me seeking help. So it’ll be very challenging for me to open up to someone in person
I had my first panic attack when I was 16 years old and didn't know what was happening. I grew up in a household where I couldn't talk about things like plus back in those days, mental health issues were not talked about nor was it acceptable to go to a counselor or psychiatrist. When I was an adult I, my life spun out of control after an event and I was forced to seek help. Until then I dealt with my panic attacks, anxiety and depression quietly on my own. You are doing the right thing to get help now instead of waiting for years to get help. I will probably have to now be under the care of a counselor and psychiatrist for the rest of my life. If I had dealt with the issues in the beginning maybe I would be in better shape today. Good luck.
Wow so young. I’m sorry you went through that as a teenager. Thank you for your words. I’m trying my best not to think about to things.
thank you for sharing your story Olinick. remember to believe in yourself. forgive those who may have hurt you or done wrong to you in any kind of way, forgive yourself is also important. first and foremost, be true to yourself. you are doing better now. no need to keep looking back and claiming those things over your life. you are not defined by your situations. take back control of your thought process. I have learned this and doing better myself. may you find peace and joy and closure to those hurtful things, places or people and move forward in your life.
You are doing the right thing going to a therapist. Mine is a great help to me. It helps to talk and get things out. She guides me and is using Cognitive Behavior therapy which helps both anxiety and sleep. Don’t give up. We are all here to encourage one another
hello, guess what, I have panic attacks too. I have learned thru going and talking to my professional. ive learned to recognize what are my triggers, things that bring on my panic attacks. by doing that, I have found out that I have separation anxiety.. fun huh? lol
you should really not be so hard on yourself because everyone one of us has something to work thru. and yes by the way, it is in our minds. no I'm not saying you are crazy by any means, just that what we think really matters. what we put our energy into and time really matters. I have learned to take back the control of my own mind instead of allowing situations control me. sounds wild doesn't it? well its totally true and it is working for me. simple little things like taking back the control of your own mind. recognizing what draws the attention of your panic attacks. then learning how to handle it in a productive and calm and positive manner. Its all in our mindset. Iv been there and I'm glad I have gone to a professional. hope this helps you too my friend. you are in my thoughts. hope to see you posting again on how things are going... take care
Ok so how do you find out your triggers? I feel like everything is my trigger
Hi, a trigger is something that is a person, place or thing that causes you to have anxiety, worry, fear, or even something that is a phobia; total freak out zone. breaking out into cold/hot sweating, shaking, nervously tapping on something or jiggling your feet and knees. so when you feel a trigger begin, think... what am I doing, where am I, who did I just talk to and WHAT A I CURRENTLY THINKING. these are the steps I took to help me. hope tis helps you my friend.
Hi there. Please continue to visit the counselor and perhaps on the next visit you may feel like asking her directly about her recommendation on visiting a Psychologist. Perhaps she was suggesting visiting a Psych. for medication (?). Seems like a big question to pose to a patient at the end of a session especially to a new patient. Hopefully you can make a connection with this counselor but if not then please try another.
Anyway I’m not sure I helped but know there are people out here who do care.
Maybe you can look at it a different way. There’s nothing wrong with you or anyone else with panic attacks, but you want to learn some psychological tools to take back control. Just something I thought reading your post. I hope it goes well for you on this path ☀️
If you had chronic stomach pains, you would see a doctor, right? This no different! You have an illness (or think you may) and are getting treatment, as any intelligent person would do. Remind yourself of that fact as often as you need to.
Now, think of the psychologist as your primary care physician who refers you to a specialist when he feels it is warranted. Your psychologist is referring you to a psychiatrist. Would you be so head on yourself if you had been referred to a cardiologist or orthopedist? No, you would been seen and evaluated in hope of relief from your pain. You seem to have an emotional/psychological "pain". The psychiatrist may feel that meds would help and maybe not. Even if psych meds are prescribed, you may only need them for short term relief while you give therapy a chance to help. If your panic attacks are interfering with your life and are causing more anxiety around them (which commonly causes more panic attacks) . It couldn't hurt to at least try the available treatment options.
Above all, be kind to yourself!
This is exactly my thought process. How can something mental cause such physical symptoms and strain?! But as I’m taking psychology courses I am learning how this happens. I don’t trust that doctors do as much as they should to investigate each case accordingly. Plus they’re so quick to throw prescriptions at anyone!
Yeah I think that all the time. I thought I was getting a hang of my Panic attacks but two months ago it just got increasingly worst. And I had this for 7 years.