I’ve posted here a few times about my roomate situation and despite the good advice i’ve gotten i still haven’t switched roommates or switched rooms because i’m scared of the confrontation and i keep telling myself that maybe the situation will get better, but everything just like exploded today and now i don’t know what to do.
I was already upset because last night i had to take a test with a webcam and my roommate had someone over and was blasting music so i ended up literally having to take my test in the dorm bathrooms and then she had another friend come over and he was there until 2 am not even considering that i might have classes the next day but i didn’t say anything to her about either situation because my anxiety was too bad. She also asked to smoke in the room for like the 10th time after i told her that it bothers my lungs so i don’t want her to.
Today, i get a text around 2:30 ish from her asking if she can have the room from 5-9pm tonight. Shes asked me things like this before and i’ve always found some place to go, one time it was literally during a blizzard bc she wanted to surprise her girlfriend. I have no where to go tonight especially because i have no friends here and i really don’t wanna sit at the library for 4 hours then walk home in the dark. With such short notice i decided to stand up for myself and tell her that i was sorry but i couldn’t tonight.
She then told me that she has no privacy and that its for a therapy thing so i should find somewhere to go.
I told her that i understood her situation but that i didn’t have anywhere to go on such short notice for 4 hours. She replied saying that the library and some of the other residence halls are open and just a lot of guilt-tripping which made me feel awful for saying no in the first place even though its my room too and i have every right to.
I told her that i don’t have much privacy either and this just set her off with her saying that shes “never even at the dorm” which is complete bs considering shes had someone over pretty much every night this week. Her text was very confrontational and now i don’t even know if i wanna go back to the dorm.
I told her that i could do 2 hours but 4 hours especially so late at night was asking a lot and she sent a snarky response back.
I have stuff i need to do like laundry and a project i have due tonight but i don’t even know how I’m supposed to face her with my anxiety. I don’t know what to do. I have no one here, no friends or even acquaintances i could study or hang out with. I’m just at a loss at this point and she seems keen on making herself the victim in every situation i’ve had to navigate with her.
I know that in the longterm i need to make friends so i have someplace to go in case a situation like this happens again but like in the present, right now and tonight, what am i supposed to do?
Do i just suck it up and go to the library? Or do i go back to the dorm like i said i would?