Hi, Im new here... for the past year I started to have anxiety attacks to the point I even got prescribed metaprolol to calm myself down. I used to get them all the time and i figured it was my job and i was stressed from that. I thought that until about 2 days ago when i really clued in on what has been causing my attacks. 3 months ago i moved away from my life in miami and i figured for sure it was my job because i didnt have any more attacks. well 2 days ago my mother in law came to visit and out of no where while she was having one of her "interrogation" talks i started to feel myself get tensed up, i was chopping up veggies and started shaking i felt like i couldnt breathe. My husband noticed this and i stopped what i was doing and went to the bathroom sit on the ground covering my ears yelling stop and crying, then i got up and took my phone and went outside. My mother in law didnt understand why i wass acting like this and she apologized after the fact when my husband explained the way she asks things and shes just too much.
The next day reflecting on how i acted i said would have called an ambulance and had me admitted because i looked crazy and i know it. I wish this didnt happen so much i feel crazy!!!