I started taking sertraline a couple weeks back. It was a big step to go to my GP but I’m really wanting to shove the anxiety I’ve had for years (I’ll also be having 1:1 therapy soon). My GP warned me that it might make my symptoms worse for a couple weeks and I’ve definitely been feeling it. Beyond this, I recently broke up with my partner and I’m struggling. Tomorrow marks 2 weeks and I’m hoping things will start to feel a little better. Yesterday I was a wreck, I couldn’t get out of bed, so much so I called in sick to uni and when I wasn’t asleep I would just stare at the walls because nothing was entertaining me. Today I got up and went to uni and felt fine, even when I got home I felt a lot more positive than I did yesterday. Same old social anxiety in my classes though, perhaps a little worse. Has anybody been through the same thing? With there moods changing so drastically?
Day to day: I started taking sertraline... - Anxiety and Depre...
Day to day

Hi Lemonade, I've been on Sertraline for a few months now and it does get worse for a few weeks but then you start to feel a bit stronger and more able to cope. It's worth persevering and yes, your moods can change, good days and bad days. x
Thanks for the reply! It’s good to know I’m not the only one. How do you feel now? I’m not really sure what I’m to expect from this?
I've recently gone from 50 to 100mg and now feel more able to cope and happier on the stronger dose.
I've been on sertraline for 19 years. I've been manic depressive my whole life. I tried to stop a few times and it was a bad idea. It deals with my manic side nicely.
Good to hear, glad it’s helped 😊 That is something that worries me slightly.. the withdrawal
For me this is for life. Whenever I reduce my dosage, I go manic/depressed again. I am committed to not doing that again.
Hi, yes I was an emotional wreck for a while and ended up at the doctor's surgery without an appointment, sobbing my eyes out at the receptionist. When the GP squeezed me in at short notice and suggested I tried Sertraline I wasn't keen initially but nearly 11 months on I can say I am much more resilient now. I started on 50mg, then increased to 100mg for a couple of weeks before settling at my maintenance dose of 150mg. It works wonders for my anxiety but I'm finding the depression harder to shake off. I've got a few other health problems as well so I don't think they're helping with the depression. I can't believe how I can just let things that used to really bother me wash over me now and I'm no longer living in a state of constant fear of all the things that could possibly go wrong. It's not ideal having to pop pills in order to be able to live a normal life but for me it's better than the alternative and worth sticking with. Hope it works well for you x
I completely relate to everything you have said. I put off going to the GP for years because I didn’t want to have to take a pill to feel normal. At my initial appointment I said no to taking medication because I was still apprehensive and my anxiety made me think that if people found out it would make them think I’m weak - truth is, going to the GP was the bravest thing I’ve ever done, and one of my proudest moments. I cried with happiness when my appointment was arranged because I felt a massive weight had lifted. I have days where I struggle, but I know that things will get better as long as I keep on seeking support. For anyone else who is reading this and is apprehensive about opening up, just do it. You’ll feel a lot better! Rach, I’m sad to hear it’s not doing anything for your depression but I hope it gets better x
Hey lemonade, I went through the same when I was on sertraline it made me worse so I stopped taking it. I haven’t been taking anything for 10 months and I’m trying to deal with stuff on my own. Sertraline just wasn’t the match for me but I hope it helps you. X
How long did you take it for? I hope it works too, I’m gonna stick with it as I don’t have the mindset for self help x
I took it for about a month and a half. Maybe I hadn’t given it enough time to settle in but I just knew that it wasn’t the right thing for me. I had previously been on lexapro for my depression for about 2 years and came off that for a year before going on sertraline. I just never liked the idea of needing medication. Definitely stick with it it’s probably your best option if you are not feeling in the right mindset. Here if you need to talk about anything! X