Wow! Why are Sunday’s so hard for me? I woke up so freakin miserable yesterday. I’m grateful for all the blessings that I have and that I keep getting. But yesterday I was so depressed I felt like crying the whole day. I keep thinking of the things in my past that I know have triggered my depression. I’ve had anxiety issues all my life, OCD has affected me since childhood but I’ve learned to deal with it. Depression is a totally new monster. And whenever I have OCD thoughts it exacerbates my anxiety and worsens my depression. I’m trying very hard to stay strong cause quitting isn’t an option. I have a daughter that adores me and I’m going to keep fighting as long as it takes. I’ve always been a fighter but this is a tough one. Any advise? Thank you. Samson
Rough day: Wow! Why are Sunday’s so... - Anxiety and Depre...
Rough day

I know how you feel, I have had many days like this. But as long as you are getting up , that's half the battle/ take strength from your daughter/ and don things with her if you can, going to the gym helps me,
Thanks for replying. It sucks though it’s like walking around with a cloud that follows you everywhere. One thing I hate is when I break down and cry and my daughters with me, then she holds me and she starts to cry. I shouldn’t let her see me cry.
How old is your daughter?
She’s just 7
You have alot to look forward to, some many great days you can have with her. especially now its the summer. go out bike riding with her, or go swimming, just think of all those wonderful Christmas and birthdays you will have to share with her, she is you legacy, be proud of that,
Iam very proud of her, and happy to spend time with her. I’m going to have her tonight into tomorrow. I’m taking her to judo class later on today. I just got done training for a bit it helps with my anxiety. My Dr prescribed Xanax but I don’t like using them every day.
Do you ever experience anxiety issues?
I do, 2 or 3 times a week, when they come along I try to meditate, something very simple, I have downloaded a couple of mediation apps for my phone, these seem to help.