Hey so I’m seeing my friends for the first time in months and some of them over a year these are all my uni friends btw so I’m going to be travelling down to my uni (second home) for a couple of days I have been fine about it but I keep now feeling uneased about it I’ve noticed when I’m super anxious and there is an event happening it will play in my head that I’m going to die from something it use to be me throwing (god if I could take that back I really would) but now it’s death and it makes me feel so ill it’s like my brain can’t work out how to feel normal! I’ve massively improved since September it went from feeling like that every min of the day to now only if something really good is happening. I just want to have an anxiety free weekend without panicking or having extreme anxiety of dying or going insane. Any body got any tips?
Anybody got a solution?: Hey so I’m... - Anxiety and Depre...
Anybody got a solution?

Oh I forgot to mention the last time I was down there I was in a very bad way so I don’t think that helps and it’s very far from home!
If you live in England I suggest you go to the NO PANIC website and give them a ring for telephone support. But am sure that people here will gladly support you here too.
The thing is that the No Panic people are used to helping and trained, many of them are not phased by it and do not have anxiety themselves. Sometimes the worst thing is another person with anxiety talking to you who gets it all wrong.
Thank you I could give them a ring I just keep getting images in my head of having anxiety or a panic attack that much I just die it’s horrible
Hi I get a lot of anxiety when I think about travelling or trying to organise it when I travel alone. I think about going versus not going and decide whether it is worth it or not. If it is then I plan it very carefully so I feel more in control. I also know that once I am on my way I will feel much better and look forward to enjoying myself.
Oh and anxiety can't kill you! It feels like it will but it won't. Enjoy your trip and think how great it will feel to catch up with your friends.
Yeah I use to get it to and it got the point where I felt so comfortable and didn’t feel it at all! It’s so difficult because I’ll think that but the physical sensations I get are so bad it’s hard to cope with like my throat will feel like it’s closing up my chest will feel tight and heavy I’ll get twitches will feel like o can’t breath and I’ll try to relax and I’ll get the sensation of feeling like I’m collapsing and then I’ll jump! I’m just going to try and think positive and just try to accept it if it does happen!
Good for you. Organising travel is one of my anxiety triggers. The last time I went away was to London 3 years ago. My friend sorted out the accommodation and I did the travel arrangements. However this was getting me so stressed she had to take over this too. I got my comeuppance when she booked us to arrive in the middle of the rush hour! Doh.
Oh dear that’s awful and do you still get this anxiety now when you travel? I’m guessing you don’t like to be in crowded spaces?
Yes. I don't mind crowded places but in London's rush hour it's hard work trying to negotiate travelling with a suitcase. I lived there for many years and loved it. The screech of the tubes is like nector to me. My friend from Wales though found it all a bit overwhelming. When we went to Oxford Street and I saw the giant Primark I'm like get in there and ran round like a kid in a candy store. 😀
What was different
Since September that made you feel better?

So last time in September I had this thought that I was going to die but I think it was from all the stress! And That same thought is coming in my head now for when I go down and see them! I haven’t had the physical sensations for ages! And the last few days they have been coming on strong this time I know what it is I’m more annoyed because I’m scared they are going to stick around like last time and for me to get so sick of it and have a huge meltdown
You might try communication. This is a guess but I have a hard time saying how I feel and standing up for myself. Sometimes I would try and certain people didn't listen. I actually stay away from people like that now. But perhaps you could be more assertive. Good luck.

I do I think yeah okay thanks 😊