As you read this please keep in mind I am terribly sleep deprived and have been having more than my share of stressful issues lately. Also this is copied and then adapted from something I sent to a friend so I mention children but even if you don’t have them most of it still applies but here we go...
To anyone going through a divorce....
I just wanted to take a moment and let you know you aren’t alone. That what you’re feeling is normal.
You’re feeling defeated because it’s hard. Life is hard and it’s even harder to do what is best for you, especially when all you can think about is what’s best for your children. You will feel so many things you’ll feel like you can’t take it anymore. You’ll feel defeated, angry, bitter, resentful, depressed, stressed, anxious and a whole lot of other things... but you’ll also feel hope. Hope that things will work out. Hope that you’ll find someone who will treat you right. Hope that you’ll be with someone secure enough for you to have the kind of friends you need to be happy. Hope that things will get better.
You’re stronger than you know. You looked at your life and said things need to change. Hopefully you weren’t where I and many others were where you wanted to kill yourself just to escape but you recognized things need to change and made the move to do so. You’ll second guess every decision you make but ultimately you have to know it’s for the best.
I know I don’t know everything about you and your situation but you have to know on some level you did the right thing. Can you look at your life then compared to now and honestly say that you aren’t at least a little happier? A little more optimistic?
You don’t have what you want but that doesn’t mean you’re a failure or that you’ve been defeated. You will only be those things when you truly give up and I know you never will. Remember that very few people in life have everything they truly want and need and the rest of us are all fighting like hell to find what we’re missing.
There’s a stigma around divorce but it’s important to remember one clear fact that go against everything we’ve ever been taught about divorce.
A divorce doesn’t mean a marriage ended. It means a BAD marriage ended.
If things were good and you were meant to be together you wouldn’t be getting divorced. It’s easy to focus on the pain and the guilt but you can do this.
You’re stronger than you know. You’re doing the right thing. You will continue to do the right thing so long as you stay focused and don’t let life and regret cloud your judgment.
You can do this.