Hi, I’m new to this site. I have bipolar 1 and this past weekend I had a meltdown. Last year I left my marriage for good reasons but since then it’s been such a struggle rebuilding my life. I just moved into a new place with my girlfriend. I can’t stop panicking. Everything feels off and I’m scared. I just started a new medication. There is so much going on right now in my life I can’t type it all here. I just need some support and help. I’ve dealt with this for as long as I can remember, I’m 37 now, but it’s never been this bad and I’m scared. I don’t know how to feel better and I’m terrified to check myself in somewhere because I have partial custody of my son and his mother would just use this against me. Any support or encouragement would help. I’ve never done this or been in a group like this so I don’t know what to expect.
New here and going through a lot - Anxiety and Depre...
New here and going through a lot

Welcome. We are all here to support each other and help each other. If you need to rant or post anything, we are always here to answer questions

Thank you!
The fact that you are reaching out is a good sign! It sounds like you are in touch with your feelings even though they scare you. New starts are terrifying. The fact that you've come this far is huge. Give yourself a big hug and keep going.
So beautifully said!
Sparkles and dump trucks of groovy love, peace, light, joy & hugs MsBlue!
Hi there EspSlayer87! You have come to the right place...there are so many that can relate to how you are feeling....
I have so much compassion for what you are going through....stay strong...hold onto your power...This Too Shall Pass...will it be easy...more than likely not...yet that doesn't mean you can't win the battles along the way...
Keep reaching out here..you will not only receive support but build friendships along the way....good solid people to add to your life...
I'm here for you..anytime....I promise....hold your head up....
Feed as much positive into your mind and more....it will help you....
Do something nice for yourself today...even if it's as small as a pack of gum..whatever will give you a smile...perhaps watching birds...lighting a candle..it can go on and on...
Sparkles & dump trucks of groovy love, peace, light, joy & hugs EspSlayer87!
Welcome to our site it’s a great place to offload some excess baggage.
Okay so do you have some excess baggage you'd like to share Silly?
I'm here for you too...so let it out.....
Sparkles and dump trucks of groovy love, peace, light, joy & hugs Silly!

I’ve left it at the airport and it can stay there ..😊...hope you are well dear
So are going on a shopping spree...if so I'll join you, ha!
Yepper doodles more sparkles & dump trucks of groovy love, epace, light, joy & hugs Silly!

Is snappy awake yet...hopefully in a couple of weeks the spring pond plants will come available to buy ..more Lilly’s
You're being funny aren't you...it's only January dear....snappy has a good 3 months yet....looking forward to seeing him...he may be hungry....
Yippee...more lilly's..what colors this time?
Sparkles & dump trucks of groovy love, peace, light, joy & hugs Silly!

Couldn’t be doing with that ...you’ve already had snow for months..I’m gonna get some blue ones..we’ve already got daffodils and snow drops coming up just need the rain to feck off
Oh blue will be beautiful...do they have a bunch of colors to choose from?
When you live where we do it comes with the territory....it could be worse, no fires, hurricanes,avalanches, etc....
Make sure you pick some flowers and bring them in... they're good for a smile my dear! Beyond!
Hi and welcome to you. 😊
You’ve had such a lot going on,its understandable you’re are overwhelmed and feeling at your worse...so many changes and so much emotion..there are a lot of us will understand here...
You are doing the right thing reaching out here, and outside of here..
Things can improve, it takes time and for me learning to manage things that is best for us..we can all be so different in what helps us...meditation helps me to sleep, for some it wouldn’t but it’s been such a help to me...getting sleep has been so important to me as I just deteriorate with out it...
Therapy has also helped me such a lot, to understand things..I always think knowledge is power...it certainly helps manage things....
I’m glad you found us here and I send to you the warmest of wishes and lots of vibes for hope that you know things can improve ...
🌻🌻🌻💕💕💕🧚🏻♀️🧚🏻♀️🧚🏻♀️ x
Ya know Olivia you are another great example here that proves to fight the good fight for yourself is more than worth it.....keep up the great work Pretty Feet..
Sparkles and dump trucks of groovy love, peace, light, joy & hugs Olivia!
Thank you 😁🌹🌹🌹💕💕💕

Thank you, I’ve got therapy tomorrow and I’ve seen my therapist for 3 years now so I have a good rapport with her so I’m looking forward to that. I haven’t meditated in a while but I know it helps especially when I can’t stop the swirling thoughts
Oh those swirling thoughts ..so exhausting...
Sounds like you do all the right things...and good to hear you have Ben seeing a therapist ...
Take it easy on yourself...
All good wishes 🌹🌹🌹
Hi! Welcome EspSlayer87!
I also have Bipolar 1.
Lately even when I’m functioning well on the outside I feel that things are so ‘off’ on the inside like I can’t get myself together...and I know what you mean, sometimes I get scared too.
You are not alone.
Good for you in joining this site. I find that it allows me to release some stress as I write. Best to you! ❤️
P.s. you are welcome to personal message me any time.
Hey there sis.....how you doin? Yes I know how much you can relate yet remember what a great example you are to those that battle bipolar 1.....you are fantastic....
Keep fighting the good fight for you...you so deserve the peace...
Saporkles & dump trucks of groovy love, peace, light, joy & hugs beautiful you!

Thanks beautiful sis! Yes even on days when I don’t want to live, to look and feel deep within to the soul, to recall that this moment is all we have, and to be in the present moment, helps. ❤️
Also never ever forget how special you are..there's only one you...so be very kind to yourself sis!
Sparkles and dump trucks of groovy love, peace, light, joy & hugs Sis!

Thank you sooooo! You too beautiful!
Ha...I love you more.....like way beyond ...beyond!
Sparkles and dump trucks of groovy love, peace, light, joy & hugs sis!
Today is a day I’m allowing myself the rest that my body is in need of. Any good shows or movies a favorite? Im almost finished watching The Tourist and I finished Terrace House which is about 6 strangers put together living together, being watched, it can get so interesting.
Do you have netflix? Bloodline with Sissy Spacek is a good series....I think you'd like it....
Sparkles and dump trucks of groovy love, peace, light, joy & hugs sis!

Yup, thanks!
Oh get ready it's good!
Sparkles and dump trucks of groovy love, peace, light, joy & hugs sis!
Going through a divorce and rebuilding your life is tough. Take things one day at a time. Keep putting one foot in front of the other. We are here for you.
Hi EspSlayer, I'm just want to welcome you to this wonderful site. It has to be experienced to be believed. Friends and support here , kindness and understanding, You will never feel so alone again. Using your illness against you is deplorable and says more about your Ex than anything you could say. . Just sayin . Pam
My husband has type 1 bipolar there is hope
He went on the drug Olanzapine for over 10 years for the sake of us staying together as a family he was a zombie for all that time and he told his doctor he wanted to come off it as it was enlarging his heart so life isn't easy but it's not fair for him to be on those mind numbing drugs so he has GABA now to keep him stable
It was very irresponsible I think of his GP to let him come off all meds I am left to deal with it but GABA is very good for calming everything down
Welcome. You certainly have a lot going on at once. It sounds very overwhelming.
I'm glad you have started meds. I'm also glad you are here. This is a wonderful community of caring people.
It's so good for you to unload your feelings to people that understand the pain and frustration of the illness.
I think you will do great here. Look at all the new friends you have already
Hi EspSlayer87, Welcome to a group of caring men and women who will give you
the support you need right now. There is no right or wrong responses. Just others
sharing their own experiences with mental health issues.
You've had a lot of changes in your life within the last year. It's expected to play havoc
with your mind. Change is one of the most difficult issues to deal with in our position.
Starting on new medication isn't easy within itself. The key to this is "time". Give it
time for your mind to adjust to these changes. Wipe away the doubts and what ifs and
stay positive, that at age 37 you know what you want and need. You just need to trust
in yourself right now.
I know you're scared but I think right now we can be a benefit to you so you won't have
to run and hide. At least, give the medication a chance to work. Keep in touch with your
therapist/doctor. We will be here for you and are only a message away. Stay strong,
stay positive and take one step at a time. I'm happy you are with us EspSlayer xx
Listen to this one EspSlayer...they only have positive and wonderful free advice and support fo you! Stay strong...
How you doin beautiful Agaora1? I'm hoping you have a smile and some tunes in your head! Boy do I miss the music, boo-hoo.......
Sparkles and dump trucks of groovy love, peace, light, joy & hugs Agora1!
Thank you and you’re right. I’ve never dealt with change well and the older I get the less I like it. I’m trying to ride this out and let it pass. I know it’s the illness warping my perspective on things. It’s just hard to see through it at times. Trying to narrow my vision and just get through each day as it comes
EspSlayer, the medication is going to help you see your way more clearly so that you
don't stay stuck. Once you get in a more stable mental position, you'll be able to do what
you have to one day at a time. You're not alone. We all hate change and that is why sometimes it feels easier to just stay put with where we are at. But that is no way to
live. The choices are ours to find happiness and not just exist. I'm proud in what you
are doing right now despite the fear. It's going to be okay. Believe in that. xx
You truly are in the best place you can possibly be. I've been on here for over a year and its helped me tgrough hard times. Use this place as a safe place and if you ever need an ear PM me. WELCOME ☺💖🤗hugs and know you are not alone.
Hey there.. how are you doing today? I'm praying you are in a better place..I'm sure you have a family that cares for you more than you realize....
Sparkles & dump trucks of groovy love, peace, light, joy & hugs EspPlayer87!