32 male, still alone. I want a normal family. I want my mom to have a granddaughter. I know that the only thing that gives life value is love and I have so much of it to give.
I cant afford my apartment, ill have to move and find a roommate in 2 months when my lease is up. This may seam like no big deal for some but its a huge backwards step for me at this age.
I hate my job, its too easy, there is nothing to accomplish, nothing to win, no success to have. Its a place where people go to wait to retire and I'm way to young to settle for that. I want to push my skills and test my limits. There is nothing close to that at my current place of employment but its a very stable job as people very rarely get fired.
I have bad break outs, it makes it really hard to have a good attitude and interact with people. Its so bad currently I feel like I have leprosy and people look at me like I will infect them. This effects my confidence greatly, I have no hope of finding a girl to someday marry. I guess my mom will never get to hold her granddaughter.
My car radio just stopped working today, the car is only 4 years old but no longer under warranty. It will cost $700+ to fix, money I dont have. Oh and I have a 1 - 1.5 hour commute (each way).
Thinking about how everything is collapsing on me and how I am failing my family is causing me to lose sleep. I often only get 3 - 4 hours of sleep. Just when I'm about to fall asleep something triggers and my heart starts racing.
I would see a psychologist but I have to pay a 2000 deposit before my health care covers anything. Again money I dont have.
This entire year has been very bad for me and only getting worse. Currently no light at the end of the tunnel. Some how I keep getting up every morning, some how I still have hope. I am concerned I'm going to break soon... I dont know how much more of this down turn I can take.