I had surgery a week and half ago. Lately, I been extremely anxious and depressed. I can’t do what I use to. Right now I can not drive or any of that. Tired of depending on people and being stuck in the house. I just want to get out of here! I only feel depressed because Of that at this moment in my life. It’s my right shoulder so I can not write which I love, paint, drive, or go walking . I’m so bored of reading. And Tv, uh so-so. I am told to rest and do nothing just relax for the next 2 weeks. I think my lesson here is patience, but if I don’t figure this out soon. I’m going to go into a deeper depression. And my anxiety is everywhere
Cabin Fever and Depressed: I had... - Anxiety and Depre...
Cabin Fever and Depressed
I hear what you're saying. You must heed the advice as you want a full recovery. I'm sure it's very frustrating for you. Do you like music? I know for me I can get lost in it! I wish you a speedy recovery & back to yourself as soon as possible! Peace, love & hugs!
Thank you!
My pleasure!!! Love & Hugs!!!
Surgery can cause depression as a side effect. My son had shoulder surgery, so I know that it is very painful and debilitating. After 2 weeks you are probably through the worst of it, though. Keep following the doctor's instructions and recovery, better than before the surgery, is coming soon.
When I'm stuck inside the house sick or recovering from surgery, I feel the same way. When all you can do is watch tv, I try to find inspirational movies or interesting documentaries so I can at least give my mind a little something so it doesn't just turn to anxiety. There are lots of documentaries on Netflix that might be interesting, and lots of nature shows that might help the anxiety. Hope you heal and feel better soon.
Ohh I have an op, scheduled soon n will have to do nothing for 6 weeks. Like you I don't like to depend on people. Absolutely dreading it. You have my best wishes. Time will pass quickly, I'm sure. 😊✌️🌻
Hey there sorry to hear about your misfortune. I couldn't recommend meditation enough. It helps me so much with anxiety and depression. You're in the perfect situation to take some time to explore your conscious experience. The headspace app is brilliant but there's loads of mindfulness videos on YouTube too. You'll be surprised at the sense of peace you can find. I wish you a speedy recovery.
Wow! Your right! It is a perfect place and time to mediate. Thanks a million!

No worries man I hope you find it helpful 😊 I'm unemployed at the moment so it's been amazing in all downtime I have. I'd really recommend Sam Harris as well, he wrote a book called 'Waking Up' which is a very objective investigation of Mindfulness & spirituality . Good luck in your journey 👍