So I'm in a full blown anxiety attack but I'm looking on the bright side. At least I know it's nothing major. I'm healthy my heart is healthy my mind is healthy and alert. I'm a figure away to stay calm cool collect. Ya no I try the breathing exercises and it's so hard for me to do. Why? Does anyone else have that problem? So now what I do is count from a hundred backwards. It seems to work. But I wont give up on the breathing ones. So hows everyone doing? Hope a bit better today. Smile life is good we got this.
Morning..: So I'm in a full blown... - Anxiety and Depre...

Howdy Espinoza! We've got a chat channel set up if you're interested in chatting in real time. Here's the link to the post to help you get set up if you're interested:
Just stay positive, stay calm, and don't worry. You got this!
A friend,
Brian isn't that the wrong link????

Nope, that's the forum post that tells you how to set up Discord and to get the invite to join the channel
I'm sorry you're having a difficult morning yet you have a great attitude! Hang in there..better days are on the way for us!!! Just keep doing the breathing you'll get the hang of it! Love & Hugs!!! XXX

Thank you anxiety_59. I'm trying boy am I trying
I know what a challenge it is! We can do this together...all of us!!! Love & Hugs!!! XXX

I seem a bit calm now, I'm about to take a shot of my apple cider vinegar. For some reason it has been helping which is good. I'm grateful. But this anxiety has me all sick to my stomach. I dislike this feeling big time.
I sure can relate to's been a tough week so far for me. Love & Hugs!!! XXX

Do u ever wake up just feeling good then 20 minutes into getting ready you start feeling that dred. like something is about to go wrong
More often than I care too!!! We must remain positive!!! Love & Hugs!!! XXX

Positive thoughts ok
Yes!!! It will breed more positive for us, I know what a challenge it can be though!!! All the best for you my friend!!! Love & Hugs!!! XXX

Do you ever feel sluggish. Like just so tired even after you slept good.
Not really ...just sometimes I can't get motivated...maybe due to the depression...I have to push myself. I'm sorry you are feeling this way! Love & Hugs!!! XXX

Maybe it's my depression acting up. At times I feel good others I feel like I'm a die. I know I'm healthy I know I am.
Hang in there & stand strong.....It's good that you are healthy!!! XXX
Good morning Espinoza
I agree it’s hard to do the breathing because in most cases we are hyperventilating and don’t know it. We breath fast but shallow in turn starts the panic attack. I lay on my stomach with my face in the pillow and slow down my breathing then start my breathing exercises. You’ll be ok we all cope with techniques in different ways. I find coming to this site is helpful because for me I see other people with the same symptoms and it make me realize in the moment it’s just something that will pass. John