Hello to everyone I am struggling with morning interruptive thoughts I have so many coming at me all kinds of subjects all kinds of questions the subjects change randomly they seem to come so quickly I cannot write and I just need to shut them off. I've been trying deep controlled breathing and telling myself to let go and I find myself having to do that five or six times in like a half an hour. I'm struggling with this obsessive thinking for like 3 months now and it's starting to make me more anxious. Does anybody have any stories they could relate or suggestions they could provide that help them I am open to positive encouragement. Thank you sincerely to all those who reply.
New to group.. anxiety in the morning - Anxiety and Depre...
New to group.. anxiety in the morning

Hi Montana136! Morning Anxiety is one of the most common symptoms
we feel each day because not only is it a Mind/Body Emotion but a chemical release
of both Adrenaline & Cortisol hormones.
It is something that can be controlled with practice. Meditation and Breathing before
bed each night can help with putting positive thoughts in your subconscious mind before
sleep, upon awakening as well as midafternoon. It takes at least a month for your mind
to be retrained and then it needs to continued each day. Using these methods when in a
crisis situation doesn't work unless you are fully trained ahead of time.
Upon opening your eyes in the morning when starting to feel the stirring of anxiety is the
time to listen to Meditation and do your breathing. Using Affirmations in your meditation
can help immensely. Once you start believing and accepting that you and only you have
control will you see results.
I'd like to Welcome you Montana to this amazing community. Never give up, you can and
you will get the support you need to start going forward. Staying stuck each day is
exhausting and wearing both mentally and physically. I'm glad you are here with us xx
Oh I thank you so much for that explanation on the chemistry of anxiety and morning. Very helpful information I am indebted. I'm glad to be here too. I have been practicing breathing it does relieve some anxiety so it is helpful I remember in the morning to breathe but I'm forgetting at night so I will write myself a note and put it on my nightstand right now. That's how I get along is with lists and notes. Thank you again..
Hi Montana136, my life now is a new learned behavior as to how I adapt to
distressing situations as well as accepting that they are not harmful. We must
all learn what works for ourselves since each one of us reacts differently.
I also never stop learning new ways and adaptations through YouTube. It's my
learning guru where I can sit back in my chair and feel the peace and calm that
makes it all worth while. Namaste dear one xx
Hi Agora1, thank you for your kindness. I'm very interested in your guru YouTube. Can you recommend a good meditation channel? Or any other purposeful channel? I ask because I think meditation is a great tool but I seem to struggle on my own with meditation. I'm thinking maybe guided meditation would be helpful for me. Always a possibility right. Honestly when I joined this community I wanted to meet somebody who was in a place of peace and calm, who struggled but found a path through it. Someone I can relate to. I really need inspiration.. I have some support but no one really understands the symptoms and the detriment of depression and anxiety in my circle. I have had successful years in my life and I'm looking forward to getting back to that path. I need to bond with people who have struggles like me and I am blessed to have found this community. Thank you for sharing guidance. I so need it! ✌️😊 P.S. I noticed you have a lot of followers and I chose to follow you although I don't know entirely what that entails. I think you may have wisdom I certainly could use at this time in my struggle. Be well! 🌈
Hi Montana, I just got on for the day but will get back to you with a
couple suggestions that I use. xx
I'm back Montana x
Sorry for the delay, whenever I am on YouTube, I get drawn into the videos. I feel
that the first thing we need to do for ourselves is truly understand how our MInd
and Body work together. What we think is what we get. Once we are in a negative
pattern of thinking, we tend to feel safe creating something each day that we are
comfortable with. Comfortable in an uncomfortable way. You see we fear change.
We fear the unknown. Before you start with a 3-5 min. Meditation, I think you
may benefit from this following video on YouTube.
"Watch this every day Motivational video by Joe Dispensa" This is about
changing your thought pattern. Once you are in a better place then you can
continue daily Meditation videos. (which I can recommend as well) 3-5 min
meditation is a good way to start. The calm and soft voice of the speaker will
be to your choosing. First things first. One step at a time. My best xx
Hi Montana, I've been on YouTube this evening and came up with 3 videos of
interest regarding changing your life's perspective. We are in control of our
life if we want to be. Below are 3 videos on YouTube that I hope will help.
"Deepak Chopra's Go To 3 Min Meditation to Stay Focused"
"Dr. Wayne Dyer - 5 Min. Before You Fall Asleep/Positive Affirmations"
"Rewire Your Mind (40 Million Bits/Second) by Dr. Bruce Lipton"
These will provide you with the building blocks to success.
Signing off for the night. Wishing you Peace xx
Hello there thank you so much for your recommendations I really do appreciate the time you spent to respond to me. I have read a lot of Dr Wayne Dyer and some of Chopra I admire these two individuals. I do know what you mean by getting lost in youtube videos. I think three to five minute meditations are a great place for me to restart that practice. I seem to always want to go for like the full 20 minutes my spiritual teacher taught me back way back when. But I'm taking baby steps so this will be perfect. I would like to get back with you I think you are a good positive connection and have wisdom that we all could benefit from. Thank you so much Agora1. Be well 🌻😊✌️
Any time Montana, I am here 7 days a week always ready to extend my hand
in helping. I started with 1-3-5 min meditations at the beginning. It takes time
to get our minds to concentrate on letting go and absorb the positive thoughts.
Learn from others on this forum. I learn something new everyday. The peace and calm
will come when the time is right. Meanwhile, never give up xx
Remember that they are just thoughts, they cant hurt you, theyre scary and uncomfortable yes but fighting them usually only makes it worse. It takes time but getting comfortable with them will help alot, i know thats hard advice to follow, it takes practice but it does work with anxiety
I've been struggling in the mornings. I've actually woken up crying a couple of times. I'm just starting reaching out for help, although I've been going through this for a while.
Covid lockdown was like a reprieve, I didn't have to deal.
I'm hopeful that the advice and support here will help me get the start I need.
I hope you have a good day, thank you for sharing your journey.
When I was having bad anxiety, it was worst in the morning too. Then it would always seem to break around 6 pm. There was a very clear pattern, so I looked into it and found that cortisol cycles every day and peaks in the morning. Gabapentin helped me a lot. The dose before bed helped me wake up calmer. Another thing that helped was getting a teddy bear large enough to hug and then breathing deeply. Hugging someone or something helps release oxytocin, which will calm you. Sometimes I would put on the sound of rain while hugging my teddy bear since that's a calming sound for me. At first I felt embarrassed to have a teddy bear, but hey, whatever works! Another suggestion is to repeat a calming statement as you breath deeply. One example is to repeat a scripture like, "the Lord is my shepherd" on the inhale, "I have all that I need" on the exhale. I'm saying a prayer for you 🙏 ❤️
Hi -snowdaze, I've learned through trial and error and my own experiences
that a "positive thought" is worth it's weight in gold. When we think negative
we get negative. When I was going through my hardest times struggling with Anxiety,
it was an everyday occurrence. Once I found what worked for me, I knew I could control
my emotional outcomes. And yes, I do get that uncomfortable feeling of anxiety but it's
stopped (by me) immediately in not being afraid of it. I physically go into a calming
breathing state and actually feel the adrenaline turning off within moments.
It's the control I now have that makes me so positive in never going back to anxiety
controlling me. Never xx
snowdaze, you are so welcome. I am always here to walk the walk with you. xx
Hi Snowdaze that article you sent me was very powerful and it spoke to me I am so happy that you sent that to me. To everyone. Thank you!!!
I recognize things about me in that article and to read that fighting thoughts only makes it worse. Seems like a paradox to me.. I actually never thought of that. I'm a fighter I think I seem to fight many things. I want to convey how much I appreciate the information you passed along to me. And I in turn, I will pass it along to someone when that time comes. I'm feeling gratitude in this moment. Have a great day!