So, since I last posted on these boards, a lot has changed. I moved in with my mother about a month ago, I see my psychiatrist occasionally, and I'm doing CBT with my amazing therapist to help with the depression, anxiety, and OCD. So I keep taking all these steps and it seems like I should be making progress. But I'm not. At my last appointment, my Dr. said we could try Wellbutrin and then if that didn't work we'd move on to ECT or TMS.
And the Wellbutrin has been AWFUL. Been on 300 mg for maybe 4 days, woke up this morning to huge clusters of hives on my thighs, my arms, my neck and face, even ON my ears. Dr. told me to immediately stop, which I did, but this whole day has been a wreck. I'm getting muscle pains and cramps, it's breaking me out, and the tremors in my hands are so bad I can barely type out this post; to an outsider, it would look like I have Parkinson's. Have any of you experienced any of these side effects?
The next few days are gonna be a shitstorm, I can really feel the physical toll this medication is taking. It's the same old song that we all know to sing when a medication doesn't work: Well, maybe the next one will help. That one will be the one I've been looking for. And then in two minutes, your back to where you started.
This just feels like another failed medication, and searching for the write one or ones seems pointless. I don't know whats coming for me next if it's different meds, a combo of different meds, or just moving straight into the ECT. I'm just so ready. Ready to be a normal, functioning adult. I'd really love to hear your stories with Wellbutrin, and especially your stories about ECT or TMS.
Thanks for being here.