Hello, I am new here, and I have been fighting depression problems for as long as I can remember. Never wanting to get out of bed, never having any motivation, and just wishing that car would run that stop sign and hit me so it could end my pain. I was always embarrassed about how I felt, my wife knew, my children knew daddy wasn't the same as other dads, all my family knew something was wrong, but I just wouldn't admit it myself. Finally after 15 years or so of fighting it day in and day out, my wife talked me into going to a Dr. (I haven't been to one since I was 18, figured if I didn't know something was wrong, then nothing was wrong), and I agreed because I was loosing my battle and becoming afraid I couldn't make it much longer. My Dr. started me off on 10mg of Prozac, which seemed to help, but next time I went she up'd it to 20mg of Prozac, 200mg of Wellbutrin, and .5mg of Xanax as needed. I was taking my Prozac and Wellbutrin in the morning when I woke up and it just made me tired all day and then I couldn't sleep at night. Recently my wife told me to try to take the Prozac in the morning and the Wellbutrin at night, this helped with my sleepiness during the day and not being able to sleep night. The Xanax I pretty much leave alone as I read stories about people becoming addicted to it, and I have enough addicts in my family, I dont need to be another one. Over the past week or so I feel myself slipping back into the dark whole I was in before I started getting treatment, and with my Dr. on vacation until after the new year, I am not sure what to do. Could this be because my doses were just up'd a week an 2 days ago, or am I doing something wrong? I am new to all of this, I am used to living with the problems and not fixing them, and fixing them seems to almost be bringing on a whole new set of problems. Today I found myself hiding under my desk in my office balling my eyes out.....about nothing.
New to depression medications. - Anxiety and Depre...
New to depression medications.

I can’t really advise on medication as I haven’t been prescribed any myself but, I’ll be here as someone to listen if you ever should need it.
I would be very cautious when taking cocktail of medication. I have been melancholic all my life (I think now it's classified as dysthymia) and, whenever I slipped into darkness, refused to take any medication. Finally, I decided to give it a go. I have tried a few, all with side effects. Prozac made me have restless sleep and vivid dreams, detached. Most of the medication did the same, even though they have different mechanisms of action (all affect serotonin predominantly, but some also work on dopamine, norepinephrine, even histamine). I have settled with Paxil (which is quite strong and generally referred to as the vile one because of side effects and withdrawal symptoms). However, I ignored the prescribed dose of 20mg and only use quarter (sometimes) half of the tablet for a week or so and that keeps me going for several months. This way I avoid side effects (headaches, weight gain, loss of libido, being a zombie) and my mood does improve. Why Paxil? That is the only one (from the ones I have tried) that actually improves my outlook and mood. In saying this, I have to say that I only suffer from mild depression, with major depression (clinical) this regime may not be appropriate. Paxil also acts as anxiolytic, thus reducing my anxiety. In cases of bipolar disorder/major depression, it is very important to stay on the medication and dosage prescribed by the doctor and, if there are issues, disscus it with the GP or psychiatrist beforehand.
From what I know, I believe that both Prozac and Wellbutrin have stimulative effect, Prozac, I believe, affect serotonin and Wellbutrin dopamine receptors (Xanax is anxiolytic). Maybe it is worth asking why two medication with similar effect and then the tried one to counteract the side effects of the other two?
I have also noticed that doctors routinely increase the dosage if medication doesn't work? This often (not all the time) leads to an increase in side effects without positive effect.
Lastly, I don't want to come across as 'know-it-all' and I can only refer to my personal experience. I only advise caution and I think it is worth asking questions. I hope this helps a bit and best of luck
Sorry for all your suffering. Been going thru years of it myself. If you cannot see your Dr. does he not have a back up? I always want to know about things I put in my mouth. Your pharmacist is a good place to start, they know the med's and the side affects. My Dr. always has someone to take care of me if she is out. Do not blame yourself, we are lay people, and as the saying goes we have to get it from the horses mouth. So check around and DO NOT BLAME YOURSELF. Take one step at a time and have faith it will be resolved. You mentioned Xanax I am on Lorazapam it is better than Xanax, see if your Dr. will switch you. Do not be afraid of addiction, do like you and I do, use them sparingly, I take one when I am really suffering - I say to myself "Why suffer". I hope this helps. I send you strength, hope, love and Big Hugs. Sprinkle 1
Hi, i tried a few and i stood with paxil, although it last almost two weeks to work it worked supergood to me and im feeling better and better,now i feel more like the one i used to be before anxiety and depression, i'been taking it for six months now.
Hiya. Sorry to hear about your difficulties. As with any medication, it takes time to work and for your body to adjust, maybe several weeks or more before you feel the benefits and things settle down. Additionally, you have to find the right medication(s) and doses that work for you. That too might take some time. What works for someone else may not be appropriate for you. It can be frustrating and exhausting but in my view worth sticking with it and persisting and, if your are not happy with the way things are, keeping going back to the doctors until you are happy - I know they are under pressure but that's their job. I don't know if you have tried it already, but combining medication with counselling and other lifestyle changes and relaxation techniques and exercise should also bring benefits. Take care,
Hi Adam
I also have had depression problems as long as I can remember. There wasn’t anyone around to guide me. As I struggled through each day it was getting worse and I made a new friend who was studying to be a psychologist who pushed me to therapy . And now years later I am fighting again and I’m tired. I am on medication and tried group therapy. Being around a group of people helped a lot . What I can tell you about medication is, it’s hard to adjust . I went to a new doctor about a year ago. I needed her to take me off Effexor. It took a month to wean me off and introduce Zoloft. I kept on trying all times of the day and night, I was miserable, I didn’t want to move. I am trying meditation to relax. My wife is no support. If you need someone to talk to or have questions, I am a good listener. Hope to hear from you
Dear Adam, Whatever you do please don't give up....I understand. Unfortunately you need to give the meds anywhere from 4 to 6 weeks to see the full benefits. In the meantime try to push yourself to take a walk, walk as fast and far as you can...notice your surroundings, nature, birds singing, cars, people...it is difficult at first but after a while begins to work. My better half taught me aviation runway code and had me recite when we would go on walks and I was anxious and terribly depressed....we also play the name 3 game...name 3 of your favorite cities in the world etc...better to walk with someone. As for motivation when you're depressed I don't wait for it I start the action ....then slowly the motivation follows... I also love swimming don't know if it's an interest to you but can tell you there is something about being in the water...and if water is NOT your thing do whatever you have or ever had the least bit of interest for....don't wait until you feel like it....take the first step and the motivation will slowly follow...good luck and please don't give up.👏🦋