Anyone have experience with TMS (Transcranial Magnetic Stimulations) Therapy? I am going in for my first session tomorrow and would love to hear about the experiences of others.
I’ve suffered from Major Depressive Disorder for almost 25 years (I’m 40 now) and am currently in my 4th major episode (each episode lasts about 18 months). March was the 14th month of this episode, and I truly thought I was coming out of it. Then the pandemic happened, and I’ve fallen lower than I’ve ever been before. I should also mention that I’m in month 17 of unemployment (voluntarily leaving a toxic boss was what triggered the current episode).
I’ve been on Prozac and Wellbutrin for the past 5 years and in therapy for the last 14 months. I just started seeing a psychiatrist in April who has been having me try new medication combinations. Nothing has worked, and things just get worse and worse. She then recommended TMS as an option for patients whose depression does not improve with medication.
I’m am so eager to try something new and hopeful that TMS will help me to get better. I’ll be getting the treatment everyday for the next 9 days. I’m happy to report back on my experiences if anyone is interested. Wish me luck!
Learn more about TMS here: