Good afternoon everyone. I'm crying and SOOOOOO SICK OF LIVING!!!! I just quit smoking, coffee and my antidepressant Pristiq!!! Omg I don't know why I'm doing it at the same time but I desperately needed to stop smoking!!! As far as the antidepressant, I had to stop it to cause the sweating last all day and is beyond horrific!!!! I had no choice. I know its my fault for feeling like this but hopefully when a month has passed things will maybe get better. Maybe I'm losing my mind which haha is probably a very true statement lol. Well hope everyone is doing well and having a beautiful day!!!
Feeling so miserable!!ππ: Good... - Anxiety and Depre...
Feeling so miserable!!ππ

Sorry you are feeling that way. Couldn't you taper off of Pristiq? It isn't usually good to go cold turkey off meds. I would say the same about caffeine and nicotine. They are drugs too (mood altering).
Hang in there. Call your doctor if you need to. That is what they are there for.
I would call my Dr but he's on vacation. Must be nice. I couldn't taper off Pristiq cause I need the sweating to stop. No one knows how bad the sweating is. Smoking I'm using Chantix and have to quit while I've got it. Coffee makes me smoke so yeah I'm an idiot for quitting all 3 at the same time!!!! Lol just barely hanging on. Thanks Marshall
Lacey, google "quitting Pristiq cold turkey". Just be aware....
I did and says its a bad drug to stop abruptly!!! I'm just hoping I can get these all better cause I need to start CNA classes and then start working in the fall. I can't be a smoker working with the elderly or sweat all over them!! Lol. Got to get thru the misery I guess!!
I'm sorry Kacey! Don't quick so much at once. Focus on smoking, as it's probably the worst (not sure about that medication). Why are you quitting coffee? Maybe you can drink less and replace it with water?
Coffee makes me smoke big time. Have to quit smoking cause I'm taking Chantix. I drink probably over a gallon of water a day. Ugh. So hot here during summer. Thanks Leigh!
I know exactly what you mean. I loved that first cup of coffee and cigarette in the morning. You have to disassociate the two. I did certain things that I smoked while I was doing, it is just a change of how you do it. Change the order, go somewhere for coffee you can't smoke, etc. Don't worry, if you want to quit, you will. But that's what it must want to.
Does your doctor know you stopped you medication? You probably have to be weaned off of it. I would take the meds while you are trying to stop smoking. Also call your doctor and talk to him/her about the sweating. There are other medications you could try that won't cause the sweating. You're right, doing both at the same time is not a good idea. Last year I did try going off my meds but I did acupuncture at the same time and took some natural supplements. This was done under both the doctor, therapist and acupuncturist supervision. In the end it didn't work but it might help you while you are trying to stop smoking. Good luck with the smoking.
I'm looking at trying to find a supplement to help with the depression too. What do you take? Its only hard to quit cigarettes cause its my last crutch I've got. Food is a crutch also. Ugh. I'm sorry all of that didn't work out for you in the end. My Dr was going to wean me off but I just can't take it anymore. Pristiq causing the sweating makes me so very depressed. I'm currently taking oxybutnin for the sweating. Nothing works. I'm very hopeless and so tired of all this. Olinick thanks.
I am trying to remember what I took. I know I was doing GABA and krill oil but I can't remember the main supplement. If I can remember it I will let you know. Oh, the other thing I did at the same time was TMS therapy, which is sending magnetic waves into your brain to change your brain chemistry. That really did help for a period of time but I think enough things have happened in my life since January, that I am no longer seeing the benefits of it. I could go back for supplemental treatments but that hasn't been discussed yet.
I am sorry you are struggling. It does sound like you try to stop too many things at one time. You should never stop medication without being monitored by your doctors. Self-medicating or not medicating is not a good choice. The doctors went to school to learn all about medication and distribution. I agree, start small with one thing. You could even consider a support group for stopping smoking.
I will be praying for you. Remember take one step at a time and be proud of the little accomplishments. Hugs!
I find that my anxiety makes me sweat!! A cold icy sweat!
I am sorry that you have the icy cold sweat. Anxiety can affect each of us differently. Some of that could be related to trying to stop your medication. It might be good for you to talk to your doctor about the anxiety sweat. Here is an article I found on icy cold sweat and anxiety. Hugs!
I know I should of waited but I've got to get these things over with cause I'm going to start CNA classes in the fall and starting working. So just need to feel horrible for awhile until things get better. Hoping they do. There is a quit smoking support on here that I joined. They really help too. I definitely need any prayers I can get!! So thank you so much. Hugs!!π
I will be praying for the horrible side effects go away quickly. So glad you have a support group to go to for stopping smoking. I am excited to hear about your work and classes in the fall. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs!
Oh thank you so much. I could use all the prayers I can get. Your to kind!!! I can't talk on here for awhile my phone isn't charging anymore. Ugh. Have a great day.
Do you have any technological devices? Good we have a charger that brings back the battery. Always find something to be thankful for. Not always easy but will make you feel better.
Congratulations about quitting smoking! I have never smoked, but I have met people who did. That's HUGE!!!! I hope you continue to contact your doctor about getting off of the anti depressant. That's a tall order that you did.
Oh thank you so much yea nicotine is from the devil himself!!! Hard to quit!!! Its only been two days but doing okay the moment. Yes I agree it wasn't smart! Just have to get thru the misery. Hoping to cause I can't sweat on the elderly or stink like cigarettes. If I. Going back for CNA classes in fall so hopefully life will be better. Hopefully!!! Thanks gogogirl!π
Yes thatβs a good attitude. Life will be better. Give credit to yourself for quitting. Itβs π amazing; I know how difficult it can be. You are amazing!
Hey howβs your day going?
You can do it. Believe me I know how hard it is but it really gets easier as you go along.
I am doing great so far. Trying to keep my thoughts in check. Going to take my kids to a farmers market to get homemade icecream today.
I can relate to the mood swings. Do you think itβs our positive and negative thoughts that cause the changing feelings /swings or is it bipolar that cause it I wonder???
Hiya π How was the farmers market?? Bet your boys were happy getting ice cream!! The chantix is working so good for nicotine cravings. Soo happy. Drank first pot of coffee with no cigarettes. I think ill actually quit this time. I think its how the bipolar changes in our minds. If I'm happy or miserable its definitely the bipolar swings. How's it going so far today???
Hey I am soooo happy that you have quit! Wow coffee without a cig, brilliant job! Keep it up, girl!
I am doing well and I think my new med Paxil is helping a lot! The farmers market was a great adventure! Well one of the kids got dizzy on the playground felt really sick so we went home came back later and they couldnβt have icecream because of their peanut allergy so we went to get some elsewhere. Sorry Iβm rambling a bit.
Anyway life is good so good i actually wondered today if I am getting manic. Maybe this is just extreme joy over finally feeling a normal type of happy.
Glad to hear that the Chantix is working. Did you quit the Pristiq cold turkey?
Chantix is working so good!! I've been off pristiq since the 17 24th. Only side effect I can't deal with is sweating so bad I can't go outside!! Its real bad I mean real bad!!! Says it will be bad for first 2 weeks
June 17th. Typing screwed up. Lol. How ya doing??
Doing okay. My energy / motivation is low. Not sure if it is the depression or medicine. I might taper down on Lexapro and see what happens.
Is the sweating a side of the Chantix or your body detoxifying?
Oh no Marshall! Hope you get some motivation soon. I know that feeling oh so well. It sounds like depression. Talk to me anytime your feeling like you need a friend. Yea tapering down is smarter than stopping abruptly. Its hell stopping. This extreme sweating is from pristiq. Sweat on it and now the sweating is worse coming off of it. Should only last one more week.
Thanks for the offer. There is nothing that is bothering me. I think it is chemical. I have tried so many meds and have become resistant to them. The latest is Abilify which got me out of the low feeling but it's interfering with sleep. But then again I drink a lot of caffeine to offset the lexapro so I'm probably in a bad cycle.
I quit smoking by using the nicotine patch! It worked for me. I tried tapering off but I found I wanted to smoke more. The patches are expensive but no more than the cigarette itself. Itβs a hard thing to do but if I who was a 2 packer a day can do it .... I have faith to know that you can do it!! I will pray for you!!
Congrats!!! That's great the patch worked. Like you said I wanted to smoke more and more as I wore the patch. I just started again on chantix. Working so far. Plus it is expensive to smoke. Your so right on that!! Thanks for the prayers. Its only been 4 days smoke free. Still praying I can quit for good. Wow 2 packs a day! Your awesome to have the courage to stop. So happy for you!π Ill keep you in my prayers too.
Sooo happy for you!! Do the whole patch regiment. I really didnβt crave smoking at all. Wish there was a patch for anxiety!!!
Pray for me to please!! So happy I could give you some words of wisdom!! God is good all the time He is good!!
Oh I'm quitting using Chantix!! Stuff really works wonders!! Ill definitely pray for youπ Patch for anxiety would be amazing!! Lol I wish!! I wish there was something for sweating profusely. God is stressing me out! I'm constantly sweating and disgusting beyond belief. Why do I always deal with so much stuff? God must want me to be ridiculed and embarrassed my whole life!! I'm beyond embarrassed everyday. Anxiety is keeping me housebound. Life is hell everyday!!!π°π±π
Niooo donβt think like that!! Thatβs what the devil wants you to do!! Get out your stomping boots and stomp on that Devil. He only has power over you that you let him have! Just speak the name Jesus over and over again and he has to leave!! I know itβs hard when it never goes away but somehow there has to be an answer to this craziness!!! Praying for you right now!!
Oh I know its the devil but why does God only want bad things for my life. I so try and stay positive but I'm always suffering something or many things. Hard to deal life most days. I could use lots of prayersπ
You got the prayers sister!! God only wants good for ya and the devil loves it when we question God! There is a reason for everything that happens to us in this life!! We just have to put our trust in Jesus and ask Him to hold us and to hold our hands till the pain goes away!!
I have an appointment with my primary care Dr next week to have my annul check up and Iβm going to ask her to check my throid . Iβve been reading that could be the cause of sweating and anxiety if the levels are off. I was doing fine until 3 wks ago on my prescribes the anxiety just hit me in the face like a ton of bricks and doesnβt want to go away!! Dr says group therapy might help bu feel like thatβs what Iβm getting on here!!