So in two weeks i am going away,and the temperature in the location i am going to is much warmer then where i live,although lately it has been hot here,i have been able to somewhat endure the heat.
However the temp will be much hotter there,so i have a lot of self harm scars(going on 5 months clean still get crazy urges and have been comfort eating like hell the last day or 2 due to my pooch needing surgery 2 weeks before me flying away and her being an elder as well now as well as having to drive my mother to hospital for appointments nearly every week and having to help my father when he is overly fatigued due to his ms) anyway back on topic however to me the scars are noticeable,now i have never told anyone about my battle with self harming or my mental health for that matter.
I am going away with my best friend that i have known since high school,however i do not intend for them to know about what goes on in my brain because it's just not something i want to share with the people around me,i am kind of a private person(and do not open my self up to anyone around me because i just cant do it).
Anyway so the saga being my scars are healed they are not deep(but there are a lot of them),but i am paranoid about him maybe spotting them but also everyone else around me spotting them,ive managed to get away with constantly wearing a hoodie up until now,where its starting to get that warm where people are asking why the heck am i wearing a hoody in this heat.
Even though i am in truth boiling alive under the hoody,i am paranoid about any scars being seen,in my mind i see it as if i can see them then everyone else can see them,and i just hate when people around me ask questions.
Also due to having a major downer for a while(im ok now somewhat leveled out even with all the stress going on) i got fat,again,and i hate wearing t-shirts that show my shape because i hate being fat,but more so due to the scars on my arms.
Ive been left with a choice of trying to buy long sleeve t-shirts,or long sleeve shirts(either case i am pretty skint after paying for the holiday)and with the vet bills coming up money is tight.
But yeah i really don't what know what to do,i feel in a bit of a predicament.