I think we’re not allowed to name specific therapists on here, so please send me a private message if you have any suggestions.
I have struggled with mental health for most of my life. For years, I had anorexia and self harmed. Nowadays, I have recovered from the eating disorder but am struggling with bad depression and anxiety.
Basically, my life just seems to be going completely wrong. I’ve been left with so many complications from my eating disorder that life does not seem worth living: my thyroid is under active, I am infertile, I have osteoporosis. And all at the age of 20.
I am also at Cambridge university which I am finding unbelievably stressful and it has made my bad thoughts even worse. I am currently taking my exams and pretty sure that I am going to do atrociously in them (my first one was a nightmare) - I wish I could say that is because I have been so depressed this year, but I think I’d have failed anyway.
I don’t feel like I want to kill myself, but I do wish I was not alive because every second of my life is so painful. I cry all the time and I think one day I will probably end it, with the way things are going. I feel depressed about how things are and get incredibly anxious about everything.
I have seen therapists before on the NHS, but none were ever any help. So, I was hoping someone could suggest a good one to me? I want to feel ok again. I remember times when I used to be happy, but I don’t remember what it felt like.