Heres my story- I dont know why I need to understand it but I feel like I need to understand it in order to help me move on. Like ill be able to process the feelings and hurt if I just understood it.
12 year relationship-hardly fought and were still intimate. No warning signs that he was unhappy. He didnt communicate anything, he still treated me and spoke to me the same.
Nov 5th I found pills. I confronted him about it and he said he wasnt sure if he was happy. He didnt really want to talk about it. I questioned furhter and he finally said "I keep thinking I dont want to be with you anymore and I feel like a dickhead because I still care about you so much" He also said things like "I dont know why I am doing this, I know I have it made with you", "I dont want you to be sad because I am being dumb" and " I keep thinking it will be a big mistake" we agreed to try to work on things. I changed my work schedule so I can spend time with him in the morning, like go on walks but he clearly wasnt interested. The first walk we went on was a decent walk. The second walk was shorter and the 3rd one he said he didnt want to do it and we just turned around. He is a homebody and all of a sudden made comments about not living an interesting life. He recently starting shaving his head because he was balding and I just think this is what started this all. He also recently turned 40. I was planning date nights but he kept telling me no to everything that everything I suggested sounded boring to him. Now since I know he is a homebody I suggested a paint with a twist at home which he agreed to.
A week later he finally admitted that he was texting and flirting with a 27 year old at work. He apparently told her we were having problems but I wasnt aware of them. I asked him if he wanted to break up and he said he wasnt planning on it. I gave him space and asked him to go to his moms to figure out what he wanted. I asked him to not take it as a chance to get with her. He agreed. That Friday he comes home and he seems like he doesnt want to make things work with me but then his mood changed and he was all in again. We were intimate and he ran into some issues and I started crying and he said it was because he drank. I pushed him and said no its your body not wanting me. I went to therapy and came back and he started saying "i love you but im not in love with you" and that the "love just feels different" and he called it quits. He decided to stay until I was okay as my eating disorder was starting to come into the picture. I went thru his phone and found out that he was also giving this girl rides to work and saw the extent of the flirting and texting and saw that he did try to get with her while he was suppose to be figuring out what he wanted. I asked him to leave. A week or two later he told me they were dating already, and he told me about dates-which he refused to take me on. Then he cried to me saying his head is really messed up right now and he knows he hurts me...we had promised we would always call it quits before getting involved with someone else as that is just too painful to overcome.
End of Decemeber he told me he was doing lots of drugs and drinking-but why? guilt? does it make him feel young and alive again? (he did say he used to do things like concerts and stuff when he was drinking on drugs before)
So what is your take it on it all? Is this midlife crisis? Grass is greener? Did he actually lose all feelings for me (this is what I dont want to believe) is it a deep connection with her or just novelty seeking? Will they last? Will he try to come back? Will he regret this?
This all just came out of nowhere even both of our families are shocked. I thought we were fine. And now I feel like I was just thrown out and easily replaced. I just dont understand this.