Just can’t break out of this cycle. My anxiety was manageable and I was confident I was going to be able to overcome it with consistent work but DP/DR disorder and I say disorder because it’s constant and never goes away. It has complete taken over my life. The anxiety was bad yes, panic attacks agoraphobia etc but once DP/DR hit and never left I just became a wreck. I thought for a year my vision was just going bad and I went to the optometrist and she said my vision is fine and sees nothing. So I’m like wtf is going on then. I have taken 2 different SSRI meds and Prozac was the first one and it I think gave me the DP/DR side effect and never left. Switched to Paxil and still stuck with DP/DR. I cannot shake this, I feel like I hear things differently, most certainly see things different I just don’t feel like myself and it’s been like this for over a year and I’m trying not to lose my sanity. Idk who to reach out to. Psychiatrist, neurologist? Just lost, I miss enjoying life
Anxiety, Depersonalization/Derealizat... - Anxiety and Depre...
Anxiety, Depersonalization/Derealization, foggy ness...

Hi I think counselling might be able to help so I would seek out a therapist. x
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, is what seems to be the most effective therapy. It is practiced by psychologists and Social workers ( LCSW)
You will find a lot of help on YouTube, some of the best is by Claire Weekes, she was a pioneer in the field of anxiety, derealization, and depersonalization.
I think seeing a therapist or psychiatrist would be best starting off they will guide you in the right direction. Im glad you're seeking help! that means you want to get better and thats a huge step forward! Best of luck xx
Keep up updated!
I'm glad you're reaching out and sharing!
I'm sorry you're feeling so lost and stopped enjoying life.
I know it's hard, but stay strong. There is quite a bit of advice. I hope you keep us posted.
We all here for you. You're not alone.
Take care.
Big hugs x
Thank you, it’s a very alone feeling for sure and scary. Will keep trying to conquer and figure this out
I know you will.
Remember you are not alone and certainly much stronger than you think you are.
Post again, let us know how you're doing.
We care x
Thank you so much! It’s very scary and I don’t like being stuck in my head with these thoughts all the time. So getting on here and hearing people with similarities or solutions helps. The worst feeling is not being able to describe everything or feeling like your the only one going through a symptom or something.
Trust me, you are soooo not alone.
I actually know you are very brave.
Why I know this...because many wouldn't share or post, to scared or too paranoid and trapped in their anxiety.
You however, have taken the leap, took that risk and reached out.
Keep posting and each day will get easier - it will be okay.
I know it's hard but we are here if you need us.
Keep posting and let us know how you're doing.
Best wishes
Maxi xx
No, thank you! You are an inspiration to others. Take care Mx