Having a really tough week and day. Saw counselor yesterday for the first time since suffering again with anxiety/depression for about 2 months. I was a nervous wreck as I am today. It used to be the mornings were the worst time then my heart rate and nervousness settled down some, but it's been lasting throughout the day. It's mentally and physically exhausting. I'm so so scared that this time there's something so wrong with me. Counselor wants me to do blood work, etc to check for thyroid or other issues, so I agreed. I'm praying that something "medical" is the reason for this, but I think it will be back to.....you feel this way due to anxiety/depression for an unexplained reason. So if you pray out there, pray my thyroid is very ill, so they can fix it!!!!
Also, I switched from 20 mg celexa to 20 mg of Lexapro. Has anyone taken these and has Lexapro had any weird side effects. I was okay on celexa for a three years now, and not working so doctor switched.
Also, what is Xanax and is it just a quick fix for a panic attack? I'm assuming this is something not for prolonged use correct? Didn't ask therapist...just want some of you to tell me what you use it for and if you can function while taking it.