I am on 20 mg of lexapro for anxiety and just got prescribed 150mg of Wellbutrin yesterday. Has anyone had any luck with Wellbutrin? I just took my first dose this morning. Does it help? How bad are side effects? Any information would be helpful. Thank you guys
New medication : I am on 20 mg of... - Anxiety and Depre...
New medication

Wellbutrin helped kick me out of a stubborn depression a few years ago. I had no side effects and my energy and mood lifted relatively quickly. In my opinion it's one of the better meds out there.
I’ve been on Wellbutrin for years (can’t remember the dose) and haven’t had any side effects.
Hi im on wellbutrin xl 150 ive been on it for such a long time i was recently evaluated again and to my surprise if you gas major anxiety/panic disorder like me it can actually rev them up so when i see her nxt she is adding abilify and slowly taking me off the wellbutrin
Wellbutrin/bupropion can be energizing for some people. Just be aware of that, ok? You've already taken your 1st dose and it hasn't been overly energizing for you, has it? I don't see where you have said that. It's usually taken at the beginning of your day for this reason. If you're ok today, you could be fine with it later on, also. Take care...
Hugs, Love, and Blessings...
Ive been taking this for years and it does nothing for me but my doctor thinks its giving me more anxiety as she said wellbutrin in some people can add even more anxiety to one who already has it She is taking me off slow and putting me on something else. Than you

My reply was directed at hitbyasegway, which is why I referred to a 1st dose having been taken. That doesn't fit you, as you've been on Wellbutrin for a long time. I'm glad your doctor is listening and changing your medicine. Abilify is a decent drug and just may be what you need. Only giving it a try will give you that answer. I hope it helps you!
I did take it in the morning. I was actually drowsy all day so that's interesting. Glad I took it in the morning just in case though