I'm on 40 MG of celexa and still always depressed
I handle anxiety ok with medication however the depression part sucks..
I'm feeling bummed and confused
Any thoughts?
I'm on 40 MG of celexa and still always depressed
I handle anxiety ok with medication however the depression part sucks..
I'm feeling bummed and confused
Any thoughts?
10 months
I been on celexa for 10 months
Thank you
Hi there, I had a similar problem... my doctor had tried me on several different antidepressants for anxiety and depression and I landed with Celexa for a long haul... my depression became much worse to the point of being suicidal and not ever leaving the house, taking a shower or anything......
I read in your previous post a month ago that you thought it helped with thoughts about things you can't change, and that also resonated with me... it sounds like you might have obsessive thoughts? I had them too and my doctor didn't really pick up on that but when I started seeing a therapist the therapist did and recommended the doctor take me off the antidepressant and give me kolonapin for my severe anxiety and put me on adderall because he diagnosed me differently that the doctor saying he thought I had OCD and was ADD/ADHD.... taking the low dose of Kolonapin at night and the low dose Adderall in two doses, one when I got up in the morning and one in the early afternoon. Literally by the second day I felt like a new human being...
It might not be the same for you but when I read that about what you said about your thoughts you couldn't change, it really resonated with me... so perhaps it's worth talking with your doctor about and definitely go to talk to a therapist if you don't already...
I hope you get straightened out and feel better! (( hugs)))
I take Celexa 40 mg but I'm still depressed all the time! I totally understand where your coming from and yeah I'm sorry! I'm here if you would want to talk about it!