Hi: I suffer from anxiety, depression and ocd. I have tried lexapro and sertraline. Neither did much for me so now I will be trying celexa. Does anyone know if this drug also affects your sleep or lack thereof? I suffered terrible insomnia while on lexapro and sertraline. I need to get some sleep! Thanks for any information.
Anti depressants and sleep: Hi: I... - Anxiety and Depre...
Anti depressants and sleep
Most of the antidepressants affects your sleep my doctor gave me something to take for sleep
Thank you. That’s what I was afraid of. What did your doctor give you for sleep?

Thank you for sharing your info. Celexa will be the third medication that I am on for depression and anxiety, I am petrified to start it.

Am always terrified to take medication is normal if u try it and can’t deal with the self effects tell your psychiatrist. I was on Prozac and had bad side effects and now am on Sertraline and been on it 4weeks good luck and keep me updated
Will keep you posted. No luck for me with sertraline. Prozac was another option but I am even more scared of that one! Actually, they all scare me but I need something!

Same here. I am terrified of all of the meds but we can't keep on going without finding the right one or a combo of them. What are you on now and how are you handling it?
I am not on anything right now, I have a doctors appt this week to discuss options, the sleeplessness is killing me.

Same here. Seeing my doc tomorrow. Will ask for an antidepressant/anti-anxiety med that that has the smallest impact on sleep. Maybe ask for an additional sleep aid too. What side effects did you have with the other meds besides insomnia? You mentioned Zoloft and Celexa?
I became more anxious with both Zoloft and lexapro. Just couldn’t take it. Took mirtrazapine for sleep but that has its own set of adverse effects. Also took klonopin but that is addictive so can’t use that for too long. Such a battle...getting tired of it,

We are in the same boat. My anxiety increased the second time around on Lexapro too. I hated it. Couldn't relax at all. And I was only on 5 mg. But now I wonder if it's the anxiety of side effects plus some small amount of paradoxical effect of these drugs that get us going. Seriously, I keep on telling myself that it can't be that bad on just 5 mg of Lexapro which is not even a therapeutic dose. Thoughts? What side effects besides insomnia did you experience?
I was on 10 mg. of lexapro. It was awful, I don’t know what to make of any of it. This is my first go of anti depressants, I am 61 years old, never needed them until I had a traumatizing experience last year. The fact that these meds can make you worse before making you better doesn’t make sense to me.

Yes. I agree with you. The worst before better is terrifying. I'll take some side effects but the worsening of anxiety and depression is unbearable. I think there are other options besides SSRIs to try out. I'm willing to try whatever it takes at this point but I also hate taking the Ativan just to cover the side effects of the SSRIs and then some sleeping med on top of it. I'm a generally a happy person so dealing with this bout of anxiety and depression is absolutely debilitating.
Hi...please let me know how you make out at the doctor, curious as to what he will prescribe.

Will do. I am terrified just thinking about talking to her. I am sure she'll put me on more meds. I need a new plan for sure since I dc'd Lexapro while she was on vacation per advise of an oncall dr. I'll let you know.
I have also been reading about transcendental meditation. It's very pricey but apparently it works. Have you heard about it? I signed up for a free workshop for see if it's worth the $. I am willing to try anything at this point.
Please keep me posted on you doctor's visit. I am curious to see what he/she recommends for you.
I have not heard about that type of meditation..sounds interesting though. My anxiety stems from trauma so I don’t know if a different anti depressant would work better than another. And to think I was ‘normal’ before all of this happened just last year...sad

I'm sorry to hear about your traumatic experience. I'm afraid to ask since I don't want to bring back any bad memories for you. I have also suffered from a traumatic experience as a teenager and I don't like talking about it. I am sure though that it probably added significantly to developing anxiety later in life (in my 40's). So it can happen any time to anyone. Really.
I was normal too. Had a brief bout of anxiety/depression a few years ago (not as bad as this time around) and Lexapro worked just fine. Then I felt good and decided to discontinue the Lexapro. I think it was a big mistake on my part. Now, the second time around it doesn't work and made me feel worse. It really sucks! I feel like it's completely out of my control. I wish I could just calm myself down with breathing and rational thinking. I don't mind taking Ambien for sleep as it really does help but I would like to rely just on my own body. I am 44, married, with two young kids. Would like to feel normal again. My husband suffers from bouts of depression as well and now he's in the middle of it because he's so worried about me. It's really crazy.
I am sorry for all you are going through, I so long for my normal life. I am 61 and literally had it all until I experienced the trauma. I have rhe world’s best husband who would do anything for me but who cannot understand why I can’t jusf ‘snap out of it’. I am retired and this is not the way retirement should be. I am very angry about all of it, worked all my life and the last year have done nothing but experiment with drugs, gone to therapy, etc. I also have an autoimmune disease which is being fueled by the anxiety. it’s all very wrong, thanks for letting me vent. I wish you luck also.

Im glad that you have a wonderful husband! It's so so important for support. But unfortunately you can't just snap out of it. There are very few who can without meds and therapy. We'll be giving each other support as long as we need to. I know there's medication out there for us to bring back the calm. We just need to keep trying. We have to live in the moment. Don't think about the future or the past unless it's pleasant and/or exciting. You have to think about the present when your thoughts drift off. Please let me know how you doctor's appointment goes. Is it today? R u seeing a psychiatrist or a primary care doctor?
Your words are encouraging, thanks, I am seeing a gp tomorrow. I really dont like the psychiatrist that I saw but since he is one of the few who takes my insurance, I may be forced to go back to him.
Did you see your physician today?

I did see my psychiatrist. She put me on low dose of lithium for acute depression and so that I don't have datk thoughts. I thought it was a bit extreme but I took it twice and nothing is really happening. I have a second opinion on Monday.
How did your appointment go?
Hi: I wish you luck with the lithium. I don’t know anything about that drug. My dr prescribed Effexor. I have yet to take it. I am very nervous about even starting it.

effexor is amazing! I am on that for severe anxiety and mild depression and the outcome has been successful. My sister who suffers from severe depression is also on Effexor and it has helped her tremendously. I wish you the best!

You need to try it to see if it works. Its a good drug. Let me know how it goes. Keep us posted.

Did the doctor give you anything for sleep as well? I notice that when I don't sleep, my anxiety and depression get worse. So please make sure you get enough sleep. Please let me know how it's going for you. I am on day 3 on Lithium and today I have to bump it up to twice the dose. I'm scared but I have to do it to see if it helps me. Stay encouraged!
I agree...sleep is crucial, I don’t take anything for sleep other than melatonin once in a while. Do you take anything for sleep?

Yes, I take Ambien. It works well but sometimes I still wake up in the middle of the night especially since I sleep with my 7-year old son and he moves like a helicopter.
I barely slept on Lexapro without Ambien. It was horrible.
Have you been sleeping better without the meds?
Without meds, yes, I slept better but not great...tops 4-5 hours which was better than none when I was on them in the past. Curious, why do you think your doctor gave you lithium versus something else?

You know, I ask myself the same question. That's why I am getting a second opinion this Monday. But I think I understand her reasoning. I got really extremely anxious, jittery, and panicky on Lexapro lowest dose. I also started getting dark thoughts which I have never ever had in my life. I think she put me on Lithium because it's a mood stabilizer that does not make the depressive/anxious feelings worse. She told me that if I my symptoms got worse on Lexapro she is not willing to take a chance on any other SSRI or SNRI just in case. She explained to me that Lithium is a natural salt with a narrow therapeutic range. I should not be afraid of it. She gave me a low dose with a small titration. It's supposed to ease the anxiety and depressed feeling. That's my take. It hasn't done anything yet.
And it all started with a really bad heart palpitations health scare that turned out to be nothing. I am really mad at myself that I let it get to this point of extreme anxiety and depression. Ugh... I wish I had more control over those emotions. It's very unlikely me.
How about you?
Interesting concept your doctor has,,,I also got dark thoughts on lexapro and sertraline. I am petrified of Effexor and may not take it without getting another opinion, All of these drugs frighten me,

Same here. Did you dark thoughts go away after stopping the medications? Mine are still there even though I stopped Lexapro over two weeks ago. I think now I'm so worried that nothing will work and I just feel horrible. It feels like I have the flu but I don't. I can't concentrate and think clearly and have no motivation to do anything. The anxiety is high because I am so scared of taking the Lithium. I feel like I just have to relax and go with the flow which is hard to do. I am generally a happy and positive person so this really had rocked my world.
How are you feeling without the meds?
I still do get dark thoughts but not as dark as when on meds. Some days I say I need the meds other days I say they are doing more harm than good. I just don’t know, my situation stems from a traumatic event that occurred last year. Before that I was completely normal. I don’t know where to go from here.

I am the same way. Every day I question if I need to take the meds or if it can go away on its own. I don't know. When I do take the meds I feel like I have all the side effects and it's making it worse. When I don't take the meds I feel like I can't go on like this without any medication help. It's driving my husband crazy! He's awesome and just as supportive as yours. At this point I feel like I need to give lithium a chance. The doctor said she'll add an antidepressant once my mood gets stable and then take me off of the lithium. So the journey does not stop with lithium. I certainly don't want to be on this medication long term. Plus it's off and on in a day if I get any bad side effects.
With Effexor I think you need to build up to a steady level. Am I right? But it might be worth it to get the relief of anxiety and depression. How about psychotherapy? Has your doctor suggested that in addition to the Effexor? And at least you can still sleep without any medications. I'd gladly take 4-5 hours without needing Ambien.
You sound exactly like me! I get every side effect and literally feel worse on meds yet I also question whether I can go without anything...though nothing has helped. My husband, as supportive as he is, has about had it with me, He tells me that it is my decision which it obviously is. I have seen 3 therapists and have done hypnotherapy...none has had any lasting impact. Maybe as one therapist said ‘time is what you need to get over all of this’ is true. I just don’t know anymore, all I know is that I am extremely unmotivated...which is so unlike me. I hate it all,

I feel like we are both suffering from the exact same debilitating anxiety and depression. My doctor said that extreme anxiety can lead to depression in about 60% of patients. I'm unmotivated too. Hard to start a day knowing you'll feel like this again. The only thing that helps me is Ativan. It's an antianxiety medication that's short acting and basically make you feel tired and a little less anxious. However, it's addicting so I try only taking it when I need it (once a day at most).
I am trying to be the responsible anxious person.
I am sure with time it will all pass. Nothing lasts forever. This will change too. Question is how much suffering in between? I'm willing to try the meds to see if it'll help just a little.
Can you concentrate on reading books or watching TV? I struggle with that but I'm trying my best.
I hear you...it is such a struggle to do anything. I can barely watch a tv show or read a book. Even food shopping is a huge chore. It’s simply awful as I was never anxious/depressed like this before. I am just very uninterested in life and feel like I am going through the motions, let us both pray that it passes. My trauma consisted of something embarrassing and humiliating so it is especially hard to get over. I want my prior life back as I am sure you do also, no one should live like this...not fun.

We both pray for each other and give each other support. We'll get through this!
Sounds good,to me...keep,in touch!

Have a good night! Let me know what you decide to do re Effexor.
Will,do...right now leaning towards not taking it but that could change. You have a food night also!

Let me know what you decide? Ill encourage you either way. Good night, friend!
Leaning towards not taking it. It scares me but all drugs do. I am thinking of visiting the psychiatrist to see what he thinks though I don’t like him on a personal level, I know he knows more about meds than a general practitioners. Slept well last night which is always a treat. Hope you are doing well.

Found an amazing resource for depression and anxiety. Check out Douglas Bloch youtube videos on healing from depression. Amazing stuff!

Just checking in to see how you r doing?
How are you?

Im ok. Thanks for checking in. The lithium helped with the panic attacks a little but I don't like the drugged feeling on it. I still haven't started Zoloft. Too scared it'll make my anxiety worse. Seeing doc tomorrow again. I also started therapy.
How have things been going for you? Lmk
Thinks are pretty much the same here. I still haven’t started the Effexor and I am still not sleeping, seeing a psych next week, glad you are doing ok.

Have you checked out Douglas Bloch youtube channel? Take a look at his videos on anxiety, insomnia, and depression. It's impressive. I'm starting remote therapy with him tomorrow. I think it might help you a little. Please let me know what you think.

Happy Thinkin... Hi, I just want to give you some positive feedback about Effexor(Venlafaxine) Try to relax and think positive that there is nothing to fear about the medication. It is really a great choice for anxiety and depression. You need to slowly increase per your doctor's instructions. It will take time to notice the difference. Eventually you will notice it is really helping including with sleep. I was on it for eight years and really liked it. I decided after so many years to have my doctor ween me off and presently I am taking nothing. I do hope if you give it a chance it will work for you.
I wish you alot of luck! You may find it more expensive than others as it's a higher tier drug. Depending on your insurance..
Take good care, relax and have no fear. 😊

You are already not sleeping because of anxiety and depression?
That’s correct.
Lexapro pretty much gave me an incredible insomnia to a point of not being able to sleep through the night. I am not sure what happened as I was on it previously and it worked just fine but I did need Ambien for sleep. I'm hoping to find another SSRI that won't affect my sleep as much. Im in the same boat as you in terms of anxiety, depression, and OCD. my OCD is mild though.
My teenage daughter is on Sertraline for anxiety and depression - takes 200mg in the AM. In addition, She takes 25mg of Tazadone at night to help her fall asleep. Maybe you could ask your doctor about adding on a sleep aid versus switching antidepressants if they are working in other areas if insomnia is the only issue?
Try Remeron.
Does Remeron help with anxiety and depression though. Also heard that remeron increases glucose and cholesterol.

I believe it does, at least for depression. It might increase cholesterol, but it is sedating.

WOW !* My Doc Tried Me On This [ remeron ] And BAM !* I Was A ZOMBIE For 3 Days !* Called Him & Told Him NO WAY !* Put Me On Trazadone & It Was Fine. [ wow ! you are some tough people to take this remeron ]
What about Wellbutrin?
been on wellbutrin for a few years now! initially it worked great, no side effects for me...... but i think its time for an overall for me! good luck
I take trazadone 50 mg and sleep well.
How long have you taken it? Does it also serve to help anxiety and depression.
Celexa ? One Of The Side Effects Is "Chronic Trouble Sleeping". The Other Two Meds You Mentioned Also Can Cause Trouble Sleeping. I Must Agree. TRAZADONE 50 to 100 mg's as your doc prescribes > This medication is used to treat depression. It may help to improve your mood, appetite, and energy level as well as decrease anxiety and insomnia related to depression.
I am using Amitriptyline , it help to improve mood and feelings of well-being, relieve anxiety and tension also help me sleep better, and increase my energy level. Amitriptyline ( worldpharm365.com/product/a... ) was originally made for people with depression, but it can also work for those who have anxiety and insomnia problems. This medicament could be a good solution but do not start taking this medication without consulting your doctor.