I'm a 16-year-old girl and I feel pretty empty. most things I use too like don't interest me I feel like everything I do is not good enuff. my school stresses me out and my friends are not in my classes so I end up board most of the time. I have ok grades A's B's and like 1 C (but that's only bc I hate Chemistry). I don't have a bf and I feel like it's bc I'm unlikeable. I try to hang with the friends I have but there always messing up planes at last minute then we end up not hanging out. There are no school clubs at my school only the prom club but you have to be in 12thgread to join and I'm in 10th and student council and you have to have good grades to join that and I don't. I have hobbies but it's boring to do by myself and when I try to find people that like the hobbies I like I can't or they don't want to do it with me. I tried to start a club at my school but the principal said no. so I'm kind of stuck right now.
empty : I'm a 16-year-old girl and I... - Anxiety and Depre...

Hey! I'm going through a situation very likely to yours, I'm about your age, I'm 17, and I can understand how do you feel... Emptiness and loneliness are in my opinion, one of the toughest things in the world. If you want, we can talk, I know we need people to talk to. So, I'm here if you want to talk.
Hello, and what is really going on here? Since when to high schools have porn clubs, and you can't be on the student council because your grades aren't good enough when you say you have A and B grades, and your bored, when in another post you say you are busy and volunteer. Something doesn't smell right here.
Who are you and want are you really needing?
ummmmm 1 im not now i don't volunteer bc my depression got in the way and im not ready to talk about what happened so excuse me for enting my feelings on things at the moment if you look at my post i have been struggling mack friends and finding some 1 that likes me and getting out there and when i did i messed it all up
I think it’s important to be there for people rather than interrogate them and make them feel worse than they already do. @just_here, I’m sorry to hear you are struggling. I’ve been out of high school for a while now, but i can vividly remember feeling like you do at moments. I go back and read journal entries from that time and it’s still painful for me. Just know that high school is an awkward time for everyone- some are just better than others at hiding their struggles. As far as the bf thing goes, try to worry less about putting time and energy in to other people and focus more on putting it in to loving yourself! That’s one of my biggest regrets. I spent so much time trying to be what i thought other people wanted me to be.
What hobbies do you like to do that you don’t think others like?

well painting clay art drawing singing wring poems and stores
Is there not an art or poetry club at your school? I’d be shocked if there wasn’t!! I’d look in to it. I recommend talking to your school counselor, as well. Most of them are quite helpful.

i will and there is not bc i go to a privet school and they just show us programs that are not at the school and are around the city
You have so many wonderful opportunities and good people to meet in your life and by reading this you have drive and ambition to carry things forward. I feel (for me) 16 was a difficult time but if you keep your spirits up and enjoy your hobbies things will fall into place. Maybe meet people that share same interests as you and keep your shine, if you love yourself you cannot loose. I wish you all the happiness in the world, your worth it! 💙💚💟💛
I have felt that way once or twice. I think you should see this as an opportunity instead of a threat. Hang out with yourself get to know yourself and figure out what you like. I hated being alone and recently all my friends stopped talking to me. I felt like a monster and still do sometimes. But rather than feeling upset all the time I started being a friend to me and understanding myself so I could exist without the need of company
First of all hi I have to say babatundae brings up a good point. Sometimes you have to turn this as an opportunity to get to yourself better. I think we often forget to take care of ourselves. Often times we are own worst critics. Feeling as if though you are stuck in a rut it hard. I'm 19 and I remember those times in school where I just wasn't all that engaged. It's totally valid to feel that way. If you need anything know I am available to talk
Hi, I know school years feels like forever. I didn’t love high school only had a few friends and felt awkward. It’s amazing how much better it is when you’re out of there, for some I guess. They do say those are the best years of your life but not for me. You are stuck now but I promise it won’t last forever. I don’t know if finding an art class outside of school is possible for you. Sometimes the libraries have things for kids to participate in. Sewing might be a good thing to take up. It takes time to make something, then you can be proud of your project. I don’t know just trying to think of ideas. I myself am trying to feel better about myself. Tonight I found a positivity blog to join. Life is not easy and I want to enjoy it, so I’m really trying to find ways to be happy within myself. I hope things get better for you🙏 You are worth it!
Hi, Just_here. Welcome!
Kudos to you for reaching out. You actually sound like an awesome young lady. I'm young at heart but probably ancient to you at 60!
I'm so glad you honored us with your honesty. It can be damn tough to be a teenager and when I was your age things started going horribly for me. Life is all about choices. I wish I would have reached out, but I had little to no supervision. The path I chose was drugs, alcohol & seriously bad people.
Try writing some poetry (don't worry if it doesn't rhyme) about your life & how you feel. You could
Hi, I have such trouble with hitting "Reply" too soon! This is Imakook & I will now finish my reply... You could start to journal; certainly about the bad crap happening or negative feelings but, more importantly, GOOD things! One really great thing to do for yourself is to jot down an A to Z Gratitude List. Write down A, Animals (I have a dog & cat,but also friends & families' pets that also mean the world to me). B, being broken because due to breaking I struggle, which prompts me to take action (emotional pain has been the biggest motivator for me). Before I know it I can let it go for now, using this as an opportunity. Several have mentioned the word Opportunity. I have an example. I've been off of work for 6 most due to a seriously invasive spine surgery. I wouldn't have guessed in a million years that this could turn into a medical retirement! It was brought to my attention by one of the professionals.h So, I keep busy with physical & mental therapies plus gathering g ihfo to get approved for disability.
I'm going to journal right now. I'm starting a very new chapter of my life & I believe it will be the best by far!
Take care & I can tell you that once you finally let go, good things start happening!
Be patient with yourself. 16 is such a hard age... at least it was for me. I remember feeling ugly and untalented. Most of us have felt this way in our teens and even twenties. A's and B's are great grades. Congratulations on that. You sound smart!
Is there someplace you could volunteer ? With your smarts I am sure there is a place that would love having you. One of my gang is going to volunteer at a hospital this summer. But there are tons of volunteer opportunities.. What about being a literacy volunteer ? Or volunteering at the Library ? If you love animals ... I bet the animal shelters near you could use some help.. and the animals are always grateful for our love.
Other options..
Maybe getting a part time job. I remember how much I loved making my own money and being able to treat myself to shopping at your age. Plus you will get to meet other people and make different friends there.
Tons of hugs!