Hey everyone..
So.. I'm a law school student and going to uni has been one of the hardest experiences I had..
I didn't choose to go to law school, it's something that happened cause I was 17 and didn't know what to do with my life.. and now I'm here 4 years later, I'm almost finished but at the same time I don't think I'm gonna be able to do it. I don't like going there, I feel like I can't learn anything anymore.. law school is one of the triggers to my anxiety and I got depressed bc of it. To be honest most (I say most bc If i say i always hated law school, then I should never go back.. it doesn't makes sense, I'm just making excuses because I'm afraid of failing whatever I do next) of the time I fucking hate law school.
But it was given me the "opportunity " to quit and start over with something I'd like. The thing is.. I'm terrified. I've always loved music and art, and even did some design classes, but I'm terrified that once I quit law school, I'll never find anything I'll really love to study, that if I try going to uni to try design I'll fail or start to hate things I like.
Truth is.. I always did what people told me to do, and now I have to do something for myself and I'm terrified. I'm so scared that if things get bad I'll have to go back to law school and be miserable again. It's like I'm trapped on a loop were I'm always miserable. I can't see a future where I'm happy.
Pls help me.