Going to the GP tomorrow: IM NEW HERE... - Anxiety and Depre...

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Going to the GP tomorrow

dreamingofflowers9 profile image


Been struggling for about 6 years now, few months ago it was the cherry on top of the cake. I cant take it any more. The problem is, im at university. My friend had the same issue last year. I have been finding it hard to concentrate in lessons and even do my assignments. I have to hand in my assignment this week and it hasn't been done. She said I could get help from my GP because he could diagnose me and write a letter to my University which could then give me a few extra days. I sleep roughly 3 hours a day. I eat a banana or an apple a day. When I say I cant get out of bed, I really mean it, I say to myself, "come on, move, its time" and my body doesn't react. I'm not lazy, I just don't have any energy, probably because I don't sleep enough. I was on the phone to 111 NHS yesterday for about an hour, I got transferred to a out of hours doctor through the phone to calm me down. very smoothing.

I am now stressed about my assignment. Should I go to the gp? Should I be telling university about my condition? I was in Portugal 6 years ago and done 3 years of counselling there. obviously I have no form of letter from the doctor there. And if I am telling them this, may I just say, I actually feel as if im being courageous because I never tell anyone about my life. Will they be able to give me a letter so I can get a few extra days with my assignment? will they refer me to a counsellor , which is honestly what I think I need... am I weird for not wanting to take anti-depressants and thats one of the main reasons I haven't gone to the gp YET? I feel as if life is collapsing on me. I shouldn't be here and I should definitely not be asking so many questions. I need help. and im so sorry to who is reading this

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dreamingofflowers9 profile image
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15 Replies
Sillysausage234 profile image

Don’t be too hard on yourself

dreamingofflowers9 profile image
dreamingofflowers9 in reply to Sillysausage234

I feel as if its automatic Alan234 ... I can't see any good anywhere anymore ...

Sillysausage234 profile image
Sillysausage234 in reply to dreamingofflowers9

Good luck at the doctors sounds like your worrying too much ,and you need some food and some decent sleep youlle be ok

Sillysausage234 profile image
Sillysausage234 in reply to dreamingofflowers9

Can you write your thoughts down and give to your gp to read they deal with people every day they are there to help, good luck🙏

dreamingofflowers9 profile image
dreamingofflowers9 in reply to Sillysausage234

Im honestly not the best at writing my thoughts, I just think "no, no, this is silly, no one will ever believe this" and yeah, I won't write them. I'd probably write something along the lines of " happily breathing " ...

Sillysausage234 profile image
Sillysausage234 in reply to dreamingofflowers9

Hey your doing a good job now take this post

jkl5500 profile image

Definitely go to the GP and get your treatment started for this condition. The doctor can write all the necessary forms for your school. Based on what you wrote, your symptoms are much too severe to try and ride this out on your own. You need treatment now. Please get it.

As to whether you can still finish your semester or quarter, or maybe drop a course or two, or just leave altogether - that's something only you can decide. Obviously, I don't know your situation.

No, you're not weird for not wanting to take meds. Most people resist it at first. But let's face it - it's time to "get real", admit that you have an illness that needs treatment, and start getting that treatment. I can tell you from experience that this is NOT going to magically disappear if you keep holding everything inside. There's absolutely no shame in having this illness, so don't feel any shame in getting the treatment you need. Millions of people are doing it.

I wish you all the best.

dreamingofflowers9 profile image
dreamingofflowers9 in reply to jkl5500

Thank you for your response.

I am scared that the GP won't recognise it because I sometimes shut down, I don't know what to say or I just panic. I don't know if its normal but I am here and alive, but I don't feel like I am here... I can "see through things" people talk to me and I don't hear them.

You are probably right. I DO probably and most likely need medication but if they do see I have a problem like my previous doctors did then I will try and do other treatments first.

I am really panicking about University, but I feel its the only thing thats maintaining me alive. It is my only goal in life, and if I had to leave, I don't know if I would be here. Ill stick to staying for the time being. I just really wish I could get a few extra days and a little bit of help/support so I can get cracking.

My "friends" or should I say, previous friends do not understand me. I opened up to them about how I feel and they have all turned against me. They have left me and now I am alone. I sit by myself. I walk around by myself and I really don't want to be trying to make new friends now. I don't even feel like I have the capacity to do so...

Do you have tips or tricks for me to sleep? Is there anything in particular I should be telling my GP tomorrow?

Sorry to bother

jkl5500 profile image

Feelings of unreality, of "walking around in a dream", being there physically but not mentally, are standard symptoms of depression and anxiety. (I'm not a doctor, just a fellow sufferer.)

Simply tell the doctor your symptoms - tell him/her exactly how you feel. If they have any brains at all, they will immediately recognize this as depression and anxiety. Remember, there's no reason to panic there. You're not cramming for an exam when you go there. Just tell the doc how you feel. It should be easy.

Maybe you can talk to your instructors and buy a little extra time to catch up on your course work if you're not too far behind. When I was in college (many years ago) I once got sick and had to drop a course just to be able to finish the rest of them. It's there as an option.

I'm sorry about your "friends" - who are no friends at all if they have no sense of understanding. They're not worth bothering with if they behave like that. At least you know what they are really like now.

You can try YouTube and search for "relaxation exercises" or similar topics to try and relax yourself to get in the mood for sleep. I use melatonin myself, but it doesn't work for everybody.

I'll keep you in my prayers. Feel free to message me anytime.

hypercat54 profile image

Hi I think one of the main reasons you have no energy is because you are not eating. You said you have a banana or an apple every day - is that all? Do you eat anything else? If not then you are starving yourself and this is dangerous.

It can be difficult to talk to a doctor so why not print off what you have written here and give it to them? They are used to this so don't worry about doing it.

Well done for coming in here and talking to us as that isn't easy and it a great first step. Stay with us and let us know what happens at the doctors please. x

Ace4791 profile image

I would strongly encourage you to talk to the University about what is going on with your emotional difficulties. You need the additional support to get extra time for assignments. I am happy to see that you are going to a doctor. Being heard is so important. I was amazed at that outpouring of support when I did this. I have walked in your shoes with the difficult times with emotions during school. I remember crying and crying even though I had so much to do. I survived the suicide of my best friend when I was going through University. I turned into a different person and went from being very strong academically to struggling. I did graduate and go on to a Master's degree, but it was hard. All the best in your journey.

Hello everyone. Went to the GP, I got to write my thoughts, worries, etc on a piece of paper. Had to pay £20 for a medical certificate of illness for my doctor to write “low mood”...

Low mood?????????? What???????

Just a few things I have told my Doctor:

I have no interest or pleasure in life or any activities. I feel down and I feel hopeless. I feel like I don't deserve to be in this world, and people would be happier with me out of it. im just a number. I sleep roughly 3 hours a night, and when I look at something for a while I start to see things move. I know they are not moving but in my eyes they are. I have no energy to even move out of bed. I tell myself to physically get out, but I just don't. I can not concentrate on my work or reading books. I can literally see through the book like theres a big whole in the middle. I feel like I am not here. I am invisible. I have lost a significant amount of weight recently. I feel like I am a failure to my parents and everyone I know. They all hate me, I know they do. I am a failure because I couldn't do my assignment. I feel like if I left university I would die. I have panic attacks and I have fear or what is about to happen, so I often don't go to places I would. My heart rate is 98. I am so nervous I have bitten all my nails off to the point they are bleeding and I cant move my fingers. I am nervous people won't understand me or the pain I am going through. I scream and shout at people not because I want to, its automatic because my brain cant stand it anymore. I throw things. I am afraid my life won't get any better. I am afraid I won't find any friends. I am worried about my mental health. I am worried about my looks and weight because I am ugly. I have no sexual desire. I have difficulties communicating with people. I am worried about my mother because she is going to have an operation on both legs. I am worried about my grandmother because she's in a care home thats not treating her well. I have stress at home because of my dad. My dad is very old fashioned and although I am 21 I have to ask for permission to do anything, and I mean, anything. This includes, going for a shower, or going to the garden. I have no one in the world to turn to. My mum had an accident ( a rock from a mountain hit her car). I have moved 18 times house/school. I have moved to a country I did not know the language and I did not have an option on which course I was going to study. I feel lonely. I cry all day every day. My parents hate each other, they argue, he cheats on her, he hits her, she has no control, he is her boss and my boss. My family are old fashioned, I am not allowed to wear skirts, because I am automatically a whore (even if this is in my own home!). I feel like I am not in this world, like I am invisible. Sometimes I have the acknowledge someone is talking to me, but I cant hear them because my brain isn't processing what they are saying. I don't care if I die, and I also believe people would be better off without me. I understand why people commit suicide. I haven't planned anything but I have gone to the ******** bridge, and I thought it was beautiful. Ive been trying to cope for a while now, but everything is triggering off, and its the cherry on top of my cake. 6 years ago I was diagnosed in Portugal with depression and had 3 years of counselling done. I stopped counselling because I returned to the UK. 8 of my family members died in the space of 20 months.

I have not in any way said all my worries or fears, all my problems but these are just a few. I have now been diagnosed with "low mood" . Can I have some advise on, should I accept "low mood" or if I should try and see a different doctor? I don't understand her. She has given me advice on medication (anti-depressants) and I have another appointment in two weeks to review this. why should I be taking antidepressants for low mood? It doesn't make sense in my head. she also told me to my face that my problem was not mild, it was moderate to severe. What problem, low mood? maybe I should just go shopping and I will automatically be ok... is this what people believe happens? HELP PLEASE.

jkl5500 profile image

I am terribly sorry about all the pain you have endured in your life. I would follow your doctor's instructions and start taking the medication(s). You should ask your doctor to refer you to a psychiatrist to begin working through all this pain. I'm not sure what "low mood " means. I don't know why she simply didn't call it depression, which is what it is.

You may not see it this way right now, but you are a young woman with an entire lifetime ahead of you. Please, please don't do anything to harm yourself. You are a valuable person with a great deal to give to the world. The fact that you're in school despite all these problems proves it.

I'd like to say more, but I have to run. You can message me anytime.

Mena2603 profile image

I have battled back and forth many times with the idea that I should be able to beat this without meds guess what everything got worse A LOT worse. If you need meds it doesn't mean you are weak or stupid. It means you body is lacking certain chemicals or hormones and that's nothing to be ashamed of. I hope you try to see your go soon. And more importantly I hope you let them help you. You deserve better then this and help is out there somethimes it means taking meds for a while! Good luck wish you the best

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