im 20 yrs old and im a Hispanic woman who lives with my parents both 52 yrs old. I recently just now just got hit by my mother. She crunched her fist and swing it across my lip because I was talking back to her. Because she got upset that I still can't til this day learned "how to shut up when she speaks and dont talk back or rise my voice." She got upset bc I was telling her she cant admit she's wrong or I speak the honest truth. So she hit me.. HELP ME PLEASE I told her after she hit me she cant hit me because im 20 yrs and an adult and theres a law.
help me please: im 20 yrs old and im a... - Anxiety and Depre...
help me please

Call the police. File charges and never look back. Is she someone you want around your future children?

but what if its both parents and do it on occasions however on other days they're perfectly alright are they bipolar or have a mental disorder I think they do and im studying psychology
I am Hispanic too, but my parents never struck me in that way for such a reason. No one should ever be striking you, if you feel threatened you should call for help. If there is a close relative you should also call them right now.
she's telling my dad rn and my dad already hates me we never had a strong relationship
He should take care of you and make it stop if he loves you.

he doesn't he would primarily be the one to hit me and always look at the negative things of me
Why not call the police? Find a friend or family member to stay with. They deserve to go to jail.

I cant my brother and sister would be left alone and they're 23 and 13 and we all live together plus they'd hate me
Police would remove them and keep them safe.
You deserve better than that. You have every right to talk back and speak your mind. You are a beautiful and unique person So not only is your mom trying to deny you of free expression and being true to yourself but she is reinforcing it wilth violence. Not acceptable. Talk to a friend or family member you trust or a legal expert or police officer. Get some legal advice on how to handle. Also she should not physically abuse you at any age. It’s the law.
They helped me with advice.
I know you feel scared, confused, angry, sad and the list goes on. I’ve been in your situation and you do feel alone and not heard. Please check the website out, you can even chat if you don’t feel like calling and speaking ❤️
If you want to continue to live with your parents and it seems like you do, you need to find a way of resolving your conflict with them . If your parents are supporting you then you have to respect their wishes. Hitting has no place in any situation. So finding a way to tell your Mother this without her getting angry is necessary. Calling the police will cause an estrangement and the police will probably not do anything about a smack in the face. If you are in danger of course you should leave asap. It sounds to me like it was an angry reaction which needs to be addressed . Can you sit down and talk to your Mother sometime when you are not angry with each other ? At 20 you might want to start thinking about being more independent and living on your own. Pam
Try and find somewhere else to live, that's terrible behaviour to put up with, I would not give two shits if the rest of the family "hated me", get a job and move out, your obviously not at peace where you live. You deserve a peaceful life if your a peaceful person, look after no1 and love yourself, your all you've got. Make plans, stick to them, there is obviously too much tension in the home. Your old enough to leave them behind, I wish you all the love in the world, remember if you dont love yourself no one else will, your worth it, your so so worth it, is there any counselling beside you or any groups you can join, youd be wise in finding some kind of group to belong to for strength, there is power in people, ask the universe for help. Sending you the very best wishes♥️🌺