Well that time for me has come... after 4 years of being together I am going to propose to my girlfriend the following weekend. There were so many times our relationship got disrupted because of my anxiety and depression but she is willing to work with me on that. In fact she has been doing it and tolerating all my crap this whole time and still wants to be with me. I'm antisocial, barely have any friends, and hate crowds but she doesn't mind as long as she sees me putting my effort in to fix those problems.
I have pretty much everything planned out.. nothing fancy. Just want some of your advice(preferably from those who have experience in this) so I can feel less anxious. I'm picking up the ring this saturday. The day I am going to propose to her is actually our 4 year dating anniversary so I am planning to take her to a zoo for a date. Then I am going to take her to our first date spot, which is on a boardwalk along a harbor and going to propose to her there. Does it matter if its after dinner or before? She mentioned that she wants pics taken but I never told her I will, but I am doing it if thats what she wants. So my brother is going to be there secretly, hiding and taking pics with a very high quality camera. If its after dinner its going to be dark and the pics will be dark unless there is flash but the flash stand out and my gf will realize so I was thinking before dinner before sunset? The restaurant is actually only a minute walk from the place. But either ways.. how does this sound? Do you see any flaws?