I'm sorry I've not been around for a few days, sincerely sorry. I have a cold. Poor lulu has developed the nasty flu virus that is doing the rounds right now and mine is trivial in comparison. If any of you are suffering I know it's a worrying time as often chesty coughs can make your chest tight and esp when ones nose is blocked also. Breathing exercises are near impossible so I used to put my tongue on the top of my mouth and my finger in the middle of my eyebrows(humour me lol)....hold for 20 seconds and it used to clear my nose!! Yes really. I'm not a fan of nasal sprays unless a simple saline one...i used to panic that I couldn't breathe and my anxiety would increase to a level that it didn't often get to. Lots and lots of rest helps, my mind wouldn't shut down so I know this won't help much but for some it does. I have been thinking of you all...tried to reply to what I could inbetween sneezing and coughing and looking after lulu. Now Ollie my son thinks he has it, I'm already sighing by the way...he needs medical attention for a paper cut so you know where I'm going with this...right?. Lulu needs fluids through a straw as she's lost the skin on her bottom lip so it's painful and Ollie comes running in with a tissue(you've got to picture this...6ft 6, built like a rugby player...yes?) ....and here he is handing me a tissue with what I can describe as....actually i cant describe it lol. What on eaaaarth I said. "Mum I'm really poorly look"..." at what sweetheart" he's looking at me as if I'm on another planet. "Look...im ill". No darling that sweetheart(as i popped my glasses on)..is your gum thats got mixed into the tissue so looks like a big mucus thingy. Ohhhh he says...but I do have a fever. I get it....honestly I do. You want some tlc, you haven't got a fever tho. So he announces he may just go to bed to 'prepare' for the inevitable bcas we have it. Oooookay, you do that then. I look around and realised lulu was smiling, she has such a croaky voice love her and she said "mummy hes such a tool isn't he but he makes me smile". Love them both. I went to him and offered him my infamous(cough) homemade chicken soup, he can't be that bad!!! He politely declined it(the cheeek!). He then mumbled, I've got cold I want to live though!. Kids hey!. Yes I've once again waffled about this and that but I really just wanted to say sorry for not being around and that I'm still here if you need a shoulder. I'll be back to 100% in no time. Hugs to you all.
Janie 💋 xxx
'Appreciate' spelt incorrectly above. Perhaps the owner of said pic was sneezing at the time. 🤧😆J x