I just found this site and decided to give it a try.
I'd love group therapy but can't afford it.
Social Security doesn't think I need a car, so that makes it much harder to afford activities where I might meet compatible people.
I do have a lot of friendly acquaintances and a couple friends, but no sense of belonging. On Christmas or any other holiday, there's no one looking around saying "Where's Jodi?"
I'm in Mesa, AZ, in a retirement park and most of the people have gone home for the summer.
I recently joined a Unitarian Universalist church, and it is a very good match for me, however, it takes time to turn friendly conversations into friendships. I went to the new members meeting, as these are the people who don't already have lots of friends at church, but still, it takes time. I'm also doing various activities to get acquainted, but not having a car adds to the problem. There will be a lot more opportunities in the fall, but I have to get through a long summer first.
I'm hoping to find people to email to who are open, sharing, and hopefully we can be supportive to each other.