So I know my last post was about feeling alone... but I feel even worse. I still haven't told my parents about the depression, but I really don't think that's the problem. The problem is that nobody cares if I am here or not (except parents, they don't count). I just want to fit in and be like everyone else. I have sent out calls for help and every time I do, my "friends" tell me that I am just asking for attention or that I am being too sad. I know they aren't real friends if they are treating me like this, but it's all I have, although I think I rather just be alone because that's what I am now. I deleted all of my social media and hope to take a break for a while because there is also some cyber-bullying happening to me. I just want it to stop. I just want my life to stop, but I'm too scared to end it. I need someone to be there and to listen and to understand and not judge me. None of them care. In fact, about a month ago I told one of my friends that I wanted to kill myself. She didn't even respond. She left me on read and just pretended like it never happened. I just want to end it and prove to them that they should have listened. They shouldn't have bullied me or told me it was for attention, but I can't do that to my parents. Just needing some support and reassurance tonight