I've struggle with depression all my life, been in and out of mental health services since i was about 7 years old.
At the age of 15 i started to have panic attacks, i had to leave school due to them. no less then a year later of starting with the panic attack, i began to become very angry and frustated for no reason which would lead to arguements (normally im a very shy, calm person). when ever i would get frustated and angry, it seem to lose my memory of being like that. I can't seem to rememeber but my mother told me that i became verbally aggressive and also tried to harm myself and others around me but i can't seem to rememeber ever doing it ( the only way i can explain it is, its like waking up from a dream you know something has happened but you just can't seem to rememeber). after that incident it happened another 2 times then seemed to just go.
i went 6 year with out any problem with the anger memory loss. Recently its started again, the panic attack have come back and i can't concentrate or rememeber little things. for example forgetting im having a coverstation and when being asked questions, im getting confused and taking my time up to 10 minutes to answer back (also noticed i have been repeating myself and slurring words) i also can't recall days i completely forgot what i did on the 14th march and i still can't rememeber.
On the 15th it happened again i rememeber being down stairs talking to my mother and then it was blank and im up stairs in my room crying, getting angry and having bad thoughts. there was nothing to set me off.
i went to the hospital because i was scared and worried with me forgetting what im doing and the anger, i thought i was going to harm my self or some one around me. i had blood test done and spoke to a doctor, they said they didnt see anything and put it down to my depression and discharged me.
im wondering if any one has ever come across this because i haven't and im so worried, its like ive had a complete personality change with in 3 weeks.
i do apologies if any of this is triggering, im so worried i don't know what else to do. just any help would be really appreciated.