Posts - Atrial Fibrillation Support | HealthUnlocked

Atrial Fibrillation Support

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All posts for September 2021

Heart rate at night

Heart rate is now continually in the low 40s at night. Is this a good thing? Occ...
Hylda2 profile image

No ablation recommended

Hi after having a telephone appointment with my cardiologist , we have decided ...
Edders profile image

Anyone Used WIWE heart monitor?

I searched the forum for WIWE and returned zero hits. I Recently purchased the W...
saulger profile image
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Hi all, can I ask if anyone is using Taurine to help with Afib/ anxiety ?
swansong75 profile image

Apixaban after ablation

Hi all just wondering what the general consensus is to how long after a hopefull...
Lenlec profile image

Cardio version successful, but why don’t I feel any better?

I developed AF in June this year. Felt so breathless, no energy, dreadful. Had...
Mbhabdal profile image

Adverse Effects - Yellow Card

Apixaban is causing my hair to fallout. I have filled in the ‘Yellow Card’ as I ...
LaceyLady profile image

Unpredictable AF

I'm age 57 on 2,5 Bisoprolol once a day, and Flecainide 50mg twice a day and I g...
Simoni profile image

Ablation or not.

Hi all, I’m on the list for an ablation but at the moment I’m settled on medicat...

Does Amiodarone affect thyroid hormones & a load of other issues as well?

I’m going through hell at the moment, I have AF & been put on 200mg of Amiodaron...
hilary77 profile image

New to Afib. Advice about beta blocker needed

I have just got my medication Nebivolol 2.5mg & was going to start it tonight at...
Redporti profile image

Holiday insurance for AFIB and A Flutter

Hi all Can’t find any recent posts re decent holiday insurance suffering with ...
mjm1971 profile image

IV Diuretics in hospital

I want to share this: my husband had huge amount of fluid retention which caused...

Flu vaccination

Is it ok to have the normal flu jab whilst taking Warfarin? I was reading yest...

New member

Hi Everyone I’m new to the group I’ve been really helped by reading your posts ...
ep3lj2 profile image

Here we go again AF!!!!

Morning everyone, my AF flipped in yesterday morning after being 12 months free....

Dreaming and Beta Blockers

Below is copied from a Google search. For years, beta-blockers have been known t...
Geoffa1 profile image

Anxiety mess

Anxiety and high blood pressure causing afib what can I do?
Hidden profile image

Medication for cold with runny nose!

What can I take for a cold with runny nose when I have Afib. I want to stop the ...
Slattery profile image

How long does it take to get your energy back after an ablation

My 80 yr old friend had 2 attempts at cardioversion and then an ablation in Marc...
hausjac profile image

Atrial Fibrilation.

hi everyone, am having an AF attack after almost 18 months of nothing. Don’t kn...
Gillybean123 profile image

ST Barts : cry oblation for Af and Ablation for AF Flutter ???

So a specialist fromSt Barts just called and said I’m perfect candidate to have ...
mjm1971 profile image

From Flecainide and Sotalol to Metoprolol

I have switched from the “plumber” to the “electrician”. He took me off from Fle...
queseyo profile image

Weight Loss

I wanted to tell you that I bought an Apple Watch in April and have followed its...
Japaholic profile image

Off-topic check in

Just a quick one. Heart still behaving but still checking in with the site regul...

Vagolytic a fib?

Is it ?vagolytic a fib when it occurs after you go to bed? And does it help to...
Spud12345 profile image

Low B12 treatment?

I see my regular doctor tomorrow for annual exam. My blood work showed my B12 a...
Rubyray profile image

Hello, has anyone had side effects from zinc, I’m on 22 mg zinc and had dizziness, tiredness, trips to the loo etc… , maybe it’s too high.

Zinc side effects

Ablation recovery

I understand the advice following an ablation etc But apart from the physical as...
kalgs profile image

My ECG monitor reports QTc interval prolongation

When I get an AF attack with associated chest pain etc.. my heart monitor not on...
KeyboardMan profile image