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Anxiety mess

18 Replies

Anxiety and high blood pressure causing afib what can I do?

18 Replies

Rudy12, I don't think you should be left to figure this out by yourself. If a doctor has explained that your Afib is being caused by high blood pressure then a course of action should have been suggested to reduce this, probably medication and lifestyle adjustments.In the case of anxiety, there. is a two-pronged approach, one being professional intervention through medication and/or therapy and the other in your seeking a means to reduce the level of anxiety you are experiencing. One really good way to do this is through a simple meditation technique, like counting or watching your breath, a technique which can be learned in just a few minutes, but needs practice for it to help you, or through a daily exercise routine, even at a very basic level. You can help to help yourself, but you can't hope to do it all on your own, so do get some professional advice.

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That was such great advice. I do talk to therapist monthly which is not enough but quite expensive. She gave me Xanax 0.5 twice a day one is for sleeping doesn't really help much especially with blood pressure. Have gone to 3 cardiologist was diagnosed with afib. Had bad episode after getting 2nd covid shot went into hospital for pulmonary edema causing heart failure. No one seems to be able to get my blood pressure under control. My GP gave me Lasix and potassium. Seemed to get my blood pressure under control. But my cardiologist said don't only with swelling. By that time it's too late. I am on carvidol and verapamil just started. Hope the verapamil starts working. I have heart monitor on and no I'm in afib quite often. Scared to death never experienced anything like this. Live alone which makes it scarier. Also changed my blood thinner couldn't deal with the stomach issues. Hope this new one will work. Complete nervous wreck which is making it worse. Lost 10 lbs.

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Glad to have helped a little bit Rudy12. But it's hard to deal with it on your own and we all need someone to lean on a little. Afib feels horrible, I know. I have it myself, but the really good thing is that it's not as deadly as we are sometimes led to think that it is. I always think it's really poorly explained to us. You do have other quite serious conditions which you have to take into consideration, but even so, atrial fibrillation is more of a real nuisance than a life-threatening condition. People often mix it up with ventricular fibrillation which is a whole different, very life threatening thing. The heart can still beat away, even erratically in Afib, but it just can't pump blood in ventricular fibrillation. So try not to panic when that awful feeling starts in your chest. Of course if you are having breathlessness, or chest pain when in Afib, or your heart rate is making you feel faint, then it's a trip to A&E (emergency room), perhaps for a cardioversion (shock) to bring you back into sinus rhythym. The same applies if it goes on for a number of days, but otherwise it's OK to ride it out at home. But hopefully that will be on some medication to help control it, and even possibly eventual surgery (ablation) if you are a suitable candidate for that. Hopefully the verapamil will help you and the main thing is to be taking that blood thinner as the really big complication of Afib is potential stroke. It's a lot to get your head round, especially when you are living alone, so I'm glad you have support from a cardiologist as well as medication to help with your anxiety. Hope you can learn to be able to feel a little more relaxed about it all and don't feel too alone. There are lots of lovely and knowledgeable people here in the AF Association and I'm sure lots of them will be happy to give some reassurance. Take very good care now!

ep3lj2 profile image
ep3lj2 in reply to

Reading your post made me feel a lot better I have had AF for about two years but having break through now I’ve got an appointment Monday I try to ride it through but this last week felt really panicked Trying to get my mind back on track Thanks for posting

in reply to ep3lj2

You're most welcome ep3lj2, and very best wishes to you for your appointment on Monday.

in reply to

I can tell you are very caring person and knowledgeable too. Thank you again for all the great information. Just wondering do you have a medical background?

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Thanks for those kind words Rudy12. Many moons ago I was a registered nurse in various settings but I stretch back almost to Florence Nightingale so more than just a little out of date! And later in life was a medical secretary, so I've acquired a lot of the newer lingo!

Ppiman profile image

For some people, including me, getting a decent night's sleep is the single most important thing that will help anxiety. Having permanent insomnia, sadly, I struggle with that..

From my own experience and reading, I can say that anxiety is a natural state for some people: it's the way we are. It will naturally vary over time without any treatment or intervention, and will always return given the right spur.

Meditation techniques undoubtedly help, but sometimes only a little and for a short to time. Xanax (or, better, perhaps, longer acting benzodiazepines such as Valium) can be useful for some people, but, sadly, they can make matters worse by causing rebound anxiety and, in about 30% of people a nasty form of dependence can occur. I don't get the latter, but I do get the former, so I tend to use Valium only very occasionally, but I do think it's the best available drug treatment for emergency use. SSRI anti-depressant medicines seem to help some people, too, but I seem to be allergic to them as they cause dreadful and long-lasting side effects.

There are some excellent self-help books available, one of the oldest and best being by an Australian nurse called Claire Weeks. A famous one is "Hope and Help for Your Nerves". Really - do get one of her books. They will be a revelation and a great comfort to you.

My experience of professional counselling is poor, sadly, and I ended thinking they were money-making ventures!


in reply to Ppiman

I think I have heard of Claire Weeks some time in the past. I'd just say find things that help you specifically and if her writings help, then it doesn't matter how long ago her books were published. Take care Steve!

bassets profile image

As Ppipman says, a good night's sleep is good. I was anxious to a stupid degree for almost 18 months until I took some advice and tried mindfulness (I followed Headspace). I was too given valium in case I needed it but have not had to use it - yet!Perhaps a magnesium supplement would help you? I hope you feel better soon - best wishes.

in reply to bassets

I do take magnesium supplement. It does help a little. Haven't used Valium afraid to because with me one pill always leads to two. Hate wearing this heart monitor but not much choice. I will look into the headspace you are talking about. Thank you for the best wishes and hope you also feel better soon.

etheral profile image

Does your heart failure or pulmonary oedema (a more severe acute failure) tend to be worse when you are in afib? If this is the case your Ejection fraction (measure of cardiac output) is falling lower than your system can tolerate because of losing the left atrial kick that would result in increased Left Ventricular output. It may be that getting your afib under control would solve the other problems. Possibly drugs like spironolactone and Entresto ( brand name) might be of some help It sounds like you need appointments with both your EP and Cardiologist to get this sorted properly. Sorry for the long winded response and best of luck, etheral

in reply to etheral

I had the edema twice 4 months ago. Was put in hospital with Lasix and other meds. Yes my afib certainly does not help. Luckily just one small edema problem since then but 3 trips to hospital for afib and high blood pressure. Cardiologist took me off lasix and potassium which I was using. He said wait and if any swelling start it again. Makes no sense to me. Yes I have left ventricular problems but don't know my ejection fraction just thank God. no more edema horrible feeling was on spironolactone couldn't tolerate it. Sounds like you know your stuff great advice and best wishes.

barbharris1937 profile image

Best wishes to you. Its bad enough having AF but the anxiety makes life so difficult. I find positive thinking and knowing you are not alone with these problems help. This site is really helpful and you feel as if you are among friends.

Yes I feel that already. You think you are the only one with this AF but your not.. love this website best wishes and thank you for reminding me I'm not really alone.

So Rudy12, just at what level is your blood pressure running out at ....... i.e. 150/90 higher/lower ? Are you on specific medication for blood pressure, i.e. Ramipril ?


My blood pressure now is 118/102 pulse 74 but it varies all the time. The lower number on the bottom is the problem for me and all goes up with anxiety. I took my 3rd dose of my new med this morning and was horrible short of breath for 4 hours. Never will I take full dose of that been so exhausted all day but hardly any afib That's no way to live on the couch not taking again and very small dose tomorrow. We will see what happens.

in reply to

I take Carvidol 12.5 mg. twice a day and now on Verapamil 80mg once a day. Wiped me out.

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