Posts - CHADD's ADHD Parents Together | HealthUnlocked

CHADD's ADHD Parents Together

23,463 members6,224 posts

All posts for November 2017

ADHD Families Meetup Group

If anyone on this site is from the Minneapolis area and would like to join a Mee...

ADHD / CBD oil

Has anyone tried CBD oil for their child to help manage their ADHD?
odat0308 profile image

Newly diagnosed 5 y.o./tired mama

My 5 year old what just diagnosed as ADHD, Predominantly Hyperactive-Impulsive P...
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ADHD - opinions about meds for anger

New here and looking for advice/opinions. My son is almost 10 and on a stimulan...
kubbieh profile image

ADHD Weekly—Build Self-Esteem in your Child with ADHD

ADHD can really take a toll on our children's self-esteem. What are ways you hel...

ADHD Weekly—CHADD Marks 30 Years Supporting the ADHD Community

Did you know CHADD has been supporting parents for 30 years? This year the large...

New Parent - ADHD 10 year old Daughter

Hello, I am new to this group. Last week my daughter was diagnosed with moderat...


Has anyone switched to homeschooling and saw an improvement to their kids? I’ve ...
JenD94 profile image

Sensory toys?

I have heard many different things about sensory toys in the classroom. Some say...

New to the diagnosis

Hello, My soon to be 7yo son just started low dose Concerta for ADHD. We have be...

Mommy asking for advice

I have a 11 year old step daughter who has all the signs of ADHD how can my husb...
Love4ever profile image

ADHD parent

Hello everyone, Hoping to get some great advices . My son 10 just started ADHD m...
annett26 profile image

Frustrated and Worried Mommy

My son wasn’t diagnosed at 4 with ADHD and some behavioral disorders similar to ...
Melicity1214 profile image

Need help with social skills support

My 15 year old son is really struggling with his peers. He has no friends and do...
TessaBoo profile image

ADHD Major

hi , I am a mother for 18 years old boy. Soon he will continue his study in Uni...
omar2000 profile image

In need of support

Hi I'm a mother of three and my middle child was diagnosed with ADHD at age 4!! ...

Adhd and ODD

Hello, My name is Tikia and I have a 6 year old son who has been diagnosed with ...

choosing high school

HI I"M new with 13 years old girl ADHD ODD. How to choose high school when no in...
lauraasri profile image


Hello my 4 yr old was diagnosed with mixed ADHD and ODD. im not sure what to do ...
Jesshinch profile image

Time Change

How do you handle your ADHD kid and the time changes? My son wakes up at 5 am re...

Gifted with ADHD

My son has ADHD and is now in grade 4 in a gifted program. Although he has been...

Why does my son act out so much at hockey!

We do a few extracurricular activities. Hockey and Karate in the winter. It is b...
Marin2011 profile image


My son is not on any medicine. He goes though everything. Hes does understand th...
ST3ph17 profile image

Teen ADHD lacks motivation failing high school

Would like to connect with others who have a teen going through similar situatio...
MomAteen profile image


Hello all, I have a 8 year old son that has been diagnosed with adhd at the age ...
Lashaun profile image

New to this site. Son recently diagnosed with ADHD, started him on Adderal 10mg and now he is on 15mg, he is acting out.

Hello all, Our son, who just turned 9 years old, was recently diagnosed with AD...
sethandsusan profile image

Accommodation vs. Modifications!

I had a meeting to revise my son's 504 and I had what I though an accommodation ...
nonomirna profile image

The adhd nightmare

Hi I have adhd, diagnosed at 45. My 13 year old son has adhd and oppositional de...

Unsure about medicating

Our 7 year old son was officially diagnosed with ADHD, Combined Presentation thi...
MrsDeeds04 profile image


My 7 year old with diagnosed ADHD and sensory integration dysfunction as well a...

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