Has anyone tried CBD oil for their child to help manage their ADHD?
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ADHD / CBD oil

I read up on cbd oil and I find it interesting. It isn't legal in the state I live in but should it be legalized in the future I plan to look into it. Ritalin and Aderal didn't seem very helpful.
From everything I have read, it’s not illegal in any state. Because there is minute amounts of THC it’s legal in every state. You might want to check again
This is info I have read while researching:
Are people allowed to buy CBD online?
Answer: Yes & No. You are only allowed to purchase and take it if your state allows the use of medical marijuana.
Is CBD illegal to sell?
Answer: CBD is illegal to sell to the states that do not allow medical marijuana use. If you live in a state that does not permit the use of medical marijuana, you should know that buying and selling CBD is NOT allowed and is illegal. For hemp farmers, it is illegal to sell out of your state.
Yes I currently have my 7 yr daughter (45 lbs) on it. I was worried at first that she was not responding to it... but two weeks in, now I'm noticing she's a little less anxious. There are ADHD Facebook groups that are real informative on this topic and there are MANY brands of CBD Oil.
Which brand did you go with and at what dose? Any negative side-effects? How long has she been on it now?
I went with HempWorx, and she's been on it for about two weeks. I started with three drops once a day and worked my way up to 5 drops twice a day. No side effects at all, she seems happier.
Hey, do you still administer the prescription? How was it at school in the beginning? My son has terrible withdraws when I take him of his concerta, he's very hyperactive and disruptive. I hope CBD oil can replace his medication.
I've never had my daughter on any medications so any improvement was noticeable. When we first started CBD oil she still had instance of bad behavior and refusal to complete classwork for a couple weeks. It didn't help that her teacher was unable to respond to her behaviors in a constructive manner. Once her body acclimated itself to CBD oil she became less anxious which was the biggest issue for her. And then the school finally saw that they needed to change her teacher. She is currently on 12 drops twice a day and is doing fabulous with her new teacher. Only had one outburst of bad behavior since the beginning of January. She is completing her classwork and is no longer isolated in class. Academically she is still on target.
It will take at least two weeks to a month for you to see good results. I would start CBD oil a couple weeks before you're going to take him off Concerta and maybe coincide it with Spring Break so behaviors are diminished at school. Now I'm not sure how CBD will interact with Concerta. There are numerous Facebook groups on CBD oil & ADHD/SPD etc, you might want to join and ask the group.
This is very informative, as my 7year son has been excluded from school due to his violent outbursts on Concerta, so I am looking for a natural alternative for him but I am very dubious.
My son also had violent outburst with Concerta and other meds. As soon as I saw the adverse effect I immediately stopped it. It took us trying 6 different meds before we found Focalin which works great for his ADHD. Unfortunately it takes awhile to find the right med for more complex kids.
what is the mg of cbd oil and is it full spectrum...name of brand/company?
My son is 7 on Concerta also and I am looking to do the same thing. I'm based in the UK so its different here.
What is the name of the groups on fb? My husband and I are looking into maybe going with CBD oil for our 8yr old son for ADHD. They want to put him on Concerta or aderall rx. I am very hestitant. He has an amazing teacher that has been working with my all year. He is not bad he just can't stop talking and his body moves like a motor that won't stop. It is bad at home as well. Looking for other options. We live in Denver so I am hoping I will not be breaking the law by doing this.
The two I'm in are CBD Oil for Kids (CBD Oil Users) and CBD Oil for ASD, ADHD, SPD, ODD, Anxiety (Hope4Healing). Just search for them in Facebook they should come right up. They are closed groups so you will need to answer a couple questions to be accepted.
My son has adhd,odd,and moderate mood swings he was put on aderall when he was 8 years old he complained of chest pains all the time.After he was on it a year he started to act funny then one day he tried hurting himself so I took him back to the family doctor and they sent him to a psychiatrist,who said he was having side effects of the medicine and took him off of it .so if you try this please keep a close eye out
Hi....did you ever try it on your daughter??
Yes she's been on it for almost a year now. She's doing great on it. It lessens her anxiety and she's able to get through the day now without emotional breakdowns. We still struggle a little with the homework and completion of classwork but much less so. Her out of control behaviors only happen at school never at home. But now she only has one maybe once a month only at school. Never at home or after school care. She's 8 yrs old, 45lbs. I use Hempworx and I give her 7-10 drops in the morning and then in the evening before bedtime.
Following. Also has anyone tried NuLeaf and/or Bluebird Botanicals? Thanks.
I have been researching this as well. I have looked at Highland Farms. They also have gummies.
That sounds great. What health Store did you go to? I think I will try the same. Let me know how it goes.
It is a health food store in the town I live in, in northern Illinois. Privately owned, not a chain. The owner was very knowledgeable about the product and I called the company as well. You can find it online. Right now, I even think I saw it on Overstock.com for $10 cheaper too.
If CBD oil has .3% or less thc, it is legal in all 50 states & some other countries (must be made from hemp).
Okay. My son is 3 1/2 and he has been diagnosed with ADHD and OCD and a couple other things. Myself personally I grew up with ADHD as well and want to steer clear of prescription medications. I have given him CBD oil before and had seen a difference but I don’t know if I was giving him the correct dosage. I’m honestly confused on what to do and how much to give. I need advice 😭 on how much to give, best place to buy. I live in Texas 🤷🏻♀️
I would be very cautious about a Doctor diagnosing these conditions so early.
ADHD can be diagnosed as early as 4 years of age, but this is still very early. I am not a doctor but have three children. One with ADHD, diagnosed at 10.
They are very active in the early years. Can act overly anything that young.
Schoolage/ preschool is the time when you can really start to notice behaviors that may need to be addressed. ADHD is focus and hyperactivity. All kids that age are hyperactive. And it's far too soon to see if they can't focus. What toddler can?
Give it a little more time, at least til 4 years of age as recommended by the American association of pediatrics.
Again, I would see a different doctor. After another 6 months. Until then, let your child be child and rambunctious.
Actually, ordered my cbd oil from HempWorx a few months ago. Trying it myself, before giving to my son.
I was just diagnosed pre-menopausal last week. Looking forward to it helping me through.
how did your son do with this oil? I am wanting to try for my 12 year old
Great question! I purchased some CBD oil to try and just could not get my son to take it because of the taste! I desperately wanted to get him to try it he is just refusing it. He is also on medication. I was hoping to supplement with CBD or even ultimately get him completely off of medications. Any suggestions on how to do this and get around the taste? I even tried it for anxiety and after a few weeks the taste was just making me gag. Maybe I’m just too sensitive to it?!? I don’t know but I would love to find a way to incorporate it for us. Thank you!
I really hope people trying CB oil are researching the side effects. There are many studies that show how addictive this is. They also talk about the body needing a height dose once it gets adjusted to the level it feels is right and then it needs more to give you the same effect. One last thing to understand, often times CB is often a gateway to other drugs, please look at the FDA (food and drug admins) does not regular this and do trials on this.
These are things to really consider before giving your child this.
Best of luck in choosing if this is right for your child.
Basically everything you just said is incorrect. There is no, or trace amounts, of THC in CBD oils, therefore there is nothing to become addicted to. THC isn't even addictive. Marijuana has been proven to not be a gateway drug after years of lying propaganda being spewed at our children, alcohol is though. And there are no side effects of CBD oils. The FDA cannot regulate a plant, which is why marijuana is still illegal, as they cannot control it like they do pharmaceuticals made in labs. Please do more research, because your comment in incorrect and damaging to CBDs and their amazing uses.
Not to be disrespectful, but you don’t have a clue what you’re talking about. Saying CBD oil is a gateway drug made me laugh. Saying marijuana is “gateway drug” is also total BS. But if you have to believe that’s a thing, it would be alcohol. When’s last time you heard about a stoner getting behind the wheel of a car and killing someone? Never, because it doesn’t happen.
Do you know anything about these ADD drugs that they prescribe kids? Adderall is an AMPHETAMINE, which is basically legal meth. I don’t know any parents that would put their kids on meth, do you? And I can say this because I have experience with it—I know What these drugs do to you. I’ve struggled with ADD my entire life and have taken Adderall for 10 years and want to get off of it every day. And even though i truly need it to be productive and focus, I
am dependent on it and cant function without it. I don’t care how bad my sons ADD is, never in a million years would I start put him on this drug. Yes it helps, but if I could go back and not have ever taken it I certainly would. I can promise you something that was made in a lab by big Pharma is way worse than something grown from the earth. It’s kind of a no brainer… Just think of it as a tomato. 😉
Also, what you’re saying about CBD oil and needing a higher dose to achieve the same effect.... That’s true for ANY DRUG taken daily over a long period of time. Anyone is going to develop a tolerance and need more for it to continue to be effective.
Can someone tell me what type of CBD oil is the best for ADHD children - A Sativa or Indica based CBD oil?
My guess is Sativa as Sativa strain works best for the head while Indica is more for pain/sleep etc.
The type/strain of plant only matters when you will be smoking it. The molecules they extract (cbd) are all the same no matter what strain or olant they come from. Full spectrum oil is the best to use because it includes all the other canabinoids as well, aside from thc. What you want to look for when purchasing an oul is if its organic, third party tested for quality ( to test for pesticides, mold and other toxins in final product ) extraction process used, (co2 is the best) and company transparency. That way you know where the crop is being grown and by whom. Hope this helps.
Can you tell me the height and weight of your child and how much oil you give her and how many times per day?
Please and thank you!!!
what kind of changes did you see?
Hello my 5 year old son was diagnosed with ADHD but he also has like a emotional disorder just 3 weeks ago his attitude and personality change completely he's like a different little boy he started hitting his head biting hitting and pinching me the psychiatrist has been giving him four different medications but nothing has help him I was looking into CBD oil but I really don't have no clue how much to give him or how much percentage and how many times a day if anyone would please help me I would really appreciate it iam really worried
If you replied I can’t see the reply for some reason.
Yes, did you read the Time magazine article on Cb oil?
A study, published this week in JAMA, found that nearly 70% of all products sold online made from cannabidiol — an extract of the marijuana plant also known as CBD — contained either higher or lower concentrations of the drug than indicated on the label. That could potentially mean those CBD products are ineffective or even dangerous.
Some CBD products examined in the study also contained significant amounts of THC, the chemical compound in cannabis that makes people feel high. Pure CBD should not contain THC, which is one reason experts say it has potential as a medical treatment, and is not something that can be abused. The presence of THC is especially concerning because CBD is sometimes used by children with seizure disorders, says lead author Marcel Bonn-Miller, PhD, adjunct assistant professor of psychology in psychiatry at the University of Pennsylvania
I am curious how you felt about this?
Can you tell me what product on the site you are using? How many drops?
It is legal as long as you get the hemp cbd oil I just bought it from my drs office I got some that was 500mg. I will be asking about it for my daughter for ADHD!! Will let you know
My very hyperactive ADHD, odd 14 year old has been on plenty of meds. I took her off 2 years ago. She has plummeted in school. I started her on one type of CBS. Saw drastic changes but she couldn't get past the awful taste. Then I found illuminent cbd oils and we are good to go! Many flavors to choose from that completely mask the taste. Her favorite is spearmint. I actually started selling it because I was so impressed and love the discount.
I am curious if you joined this group to sell your product because that is against what we are here for.
Did you know that a major medical journal did a study about CB oil and found:
70% of all products sold online made from cannabidiol — an extract of the marijuana plant also known as CBD — contained either higher or lower concentrations of the drug than indicated on the label. That could potentially mean those CBD products are ineffective or even dangerous.
How can you really be sure there is an equal amount in each dose?
These product are not regulated by the FDA, if you are serious that this is what is best for your child you should ask you child's pediatrician for an RX and buy it as a prescription.
Since you asked the person above about their reasoning for joining the group, I’m curious as to why you’re here? We are parents Seeking support and alternative medicines like CBD to help our children. You don’t seem to be a supporter of CBD so I’m just curious as to why you’re even in this group?
How to sensibly buy LEGAL cbd oil? Because I got a letter saying customs has confiscated my package two times already and I’m pissed.
My son is 10 years old, when he was in the 3rd grade they diagnosed him with ADHD. He's been o. Numerous different medications for it. All the medicines he has been on has made him super irritable. He was getting in trouble at school for pushing and shoving, and constantly being out of his seat. Finally I researched about CBD oil and ADHD and decided to talk to my husband about trying it out for him. We completely took him off his prescription and have been giving him 3 drops of CBD oil for about a week and a half. The changes I've seen in him are so obvious and I honestly believe it's the best choice we've made for him since he's been diagnosed. He is happy again, smiling, and his sense of humor is back. His teachers have noticed a difference and have thanked us for being involved and helping at home because whatever we're doing is obviously working. I feel like my son is back. I would definitely give it a try. We bought a brand called "Active CBD oil" it's 125mg CBD/ vanilla. It says it's 100% activated, water soluble CBD oil, and it's in a 1oz bottle. Good luck!
Hello, I'm just getting started with trying CBD oil for my family. My son has never been diagnosed with ADHD but I really feel like he has it. My doctor told me he is just a boy being a boy. He is now 10 and its so hard for him to concentrate at school because he gets so distracted. He has random outbursts and he gets picked on at school because he can't control himself sometimes. He gets bad anxiety and has had some meltdowns about it. It breaks my heart because at one point he doubted his existence. I need to try this for him. His twin has similar "symptoms" but not nearly as bad. I struggle with anxiety myself, started after having children but I'm not comfortable with taking any medications.
I meditate and pray a lot. So I wouldn't feel okay with giving my children medications either. Just my personal decision for my family.
I found a brand online that sounds amazing and has 5 star reviews. I just ordered it but now have no idea how much to actually give him? its 500mg. I was hoping to get support and help based on anyone else's dosing experience? I would really appreciate the help.
Just wanted to let everyone know that using caffeine with your CBD oil is the way to go for ADHD in kids. I am trying this now will report back. My son is 12 and meds cause psychosis and depression for him so moving on...cbdoilreview.org/cbd-cannab...
I haven't tried it but you don't have to worry about the side effects if you are planning to use it to manage your kid's ADHD. Taking CBD oil is safe as long as you're using the correct dosage. In addition, I recommend you to check ultrazencbd.com/cbd-oil-adhd/ to understand how CBD can help manage the symptoms of ADHD.