Three weeks ago after discovering this site , I started on the lchf diet . I was elated when I quickly lost almost 2.3 kg . However weight loss has now skidded to a halt and to top it all I’m having trouble with constipation which is making me miserable . Anybody got any ideas ?
Disappointed : Three weeks ago after... - Weight Loss Support
Hi I always suffer from constipation when I diet. Recently had the same problem. I ate 10 dried prunes for my breakfast with lots of water throughout the day, also went for daily walks. It got things moving for me. Day 2 reduced to 6 prunes and everything still good. Day three I switched to a slice of melon and just two random prunes in the day. Ive stuck with just eating melon now with a couple of prunes on days I feel bunged up. It could be the reason you are not loosing weight now. I have only been on a diet for three weeks so don’t know if one could stick to that regimen. My weight dropped four pounds after being able to empty my bowel. We are all different but I was really bunged up from the start, hence taking so many prunes on day 1. Don’t for get the water too. Good luck!
Thank you I’ll try the prunes . Don’t like using laxatives as they make me worse .
Hope they help, my husband got them in Sainsbury’s and they were really nice, just the dried prunes in the packet, they were very plump and juicy! I didn’t even know I liked them! 20 calories a prune though🤣I’m guessing that bit! I bet once you get things moving the weight will start to shift! Melon is quite good too, I got the honeydew, but I guess any would help! Like you I wouldn’t take laxatives unless I really had too!

Oh dear ! The constipation does pass, (no pun intended) I was beginning to wonder if it was too much greek yoghurt when it passed, so I never actually managed to pinpoint it.
As regards to the halt, if you're sure more carbs aren't creeping in it might pay to check your dairy, I was inadvertently having cheese on every meal when it happened to me.
Try tweaking things a bit, good luck x
Thank you .

LCHF doesn't work for everyone.. It could be that or you could just have reached a plateau which is very common for most people on all types of diets as far as I'm aware.
Congratulations on your weight loss so far so keep up the good work and I'm sorry to hear you're feeling miserable.. I know exactly how you feel.. Constipation really does affect mood a lot.
I found this helpful.. Do give the episodes a watch if you get the time. It might help you understand things better and give you a better chance at long-term success.

I don't know what you're hoping for but I'd say 2.3kgs in 3 weeks is a good loss.
LCHF is primarily about eating well with weight loss as a happy side effect. The rate of loss isn't predictable. However, you'll find good information and support - including managing constipation - if you share your meal plans on the Daily Diary. You might also like to join the LCHF forum
My first suggestion for constipation would be green veg and extra water rather than fruit as suggested by Prunes28, to keep you on the LCHF track but, without knowing what and how you're eating, it's difficult to say

I felt dehydrated on the inside, if you see what I mean. I'm now taking electrolytes for the heat and they seem to help. You may be interested in this recent post.
I feel your pain Fedupoldie. And I mean literally, as on top of constipation issues I suffer from haemorrhoids, which this heat is not helping. I try to ensure that I am regular using a number of the methods already mentioned, If I get to day 3 without bowel movements I use a glycerin suppository. It always works.

Hi again, would you like to join our weigh in? Here's the link, I hope to see you there x

The NHS recommendation is 30g of fibre per day. That’s a lot more than most people are consuming (the average is about 18g), I suspect that a key reason is that the typical portion of green vegetables served these days has become very small, more like a garnish than an actual portion of food. You might need to adjust your expectations of what a plate of food should look like!
Insufficient fibre brings medical risks, so if you’re persistently constipated that’s not good. Personally I’d stay away from dried fruit as a solution, yes the fibre is there, but I found it so more-ish and so calorific that it was incompatible with weight loss. Everyone is different, and if you’ve got the iron will needed to be around yummy dried fruit then I salute you!
Hi Fedupoldie I’ve been on this eating plan now since may, for me I did have this problem and find that drinking more water and I make sure I have spinach daily. We use the frozen type which can be added to anything really scrambled eggs it great, as part of your vegetables for the day, I find it works a treat. I’m not able to take things like prunes as it just puts my sugars sky high.
Good look in your eating plan 🍏🍎
Thank you for this . I love spinach so I’m going to give this a go
Your very welcome hope it works for you🍏🍎
Yes I think everybody suffers from constipation when dieting (when doing LCHF?). I try to include fruits, vegetables and water as much as possible, but it doesn't completely eliminate the problem.
Hi, I add raw shredded cabbage to salads and steam runner beans or broad beans and add cold to salads. It may help as I think these will give more fibre than the traditional lettuce and cucumber mix. Good Luck
I found increasing the fat helped! Had an extra dollop of cream with my full fat Greek yogurt, seeds and berries for breakfast. Seemed to get things moving again 😊
Everybody talks about seeds but I don’t know which ones to buy or what to do with them . I always thought they were for birds . 🤔

My go-to is a tablespoon of chia seeds, and a tablespoon flaxseed/linseed. Since I got a mortar and pestle, I grind them a bit, then (ground or not) soak them for at least 20 minutes in a liquid (I use Greek yogurt).
Maybe start with a little less, and let your body adjust.
Thank you .

I buy pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds from the supermarket. I sprinkle a dessert spoon of each over my Greek yogurt and berries for a bit of crunch 😊
🤣your so funny.
Fresh beetroot is a lovely snack it also cleanses and is popular in detox. Sprinkle high fibre bran on cereal and take a max strength senakot before you go to sleep.
I used to suffer from constipation as i wasn't getting enough fibre in my daily diet so changed my whole way of eating,i also saw online somewhere that if you change your sitting position on the toilet it relaxes your bottom muscles allowing you to go more freely,if you have a small step take it to the toilet and put you feet on it(making sure your knees are bent) i didn't believe this when i saw it so i tried it and too my surprise it actually works, Constipation can be a very sore thing,another thing i found helpful was drinking warm water with honey in it,hope you manage to get sorted 🙂
I use a small step too, as your right easier if your knees are higher, I guess that comes from history. (naturally squatting and going in the bush,) obviously wouldn’t catch me doing that now! 🤣

Definitely works well,no you wouldn't find me squatting in a bush either to many spiders 🤣
I had v bad constipation and I got a tear I ended up in surgery!!!!! V v v v painful! The meds I took at the time were changed straight away but this can happen to anyone on an unhealthy diet. A real pain in the arse.....ho hum

Hi Fedupoldie, just a word or two of support which may or may not help as we are all in the same boat and all suffer lows from time to time. Keep up the great work you have done so far and just try to increase water intake which I must admit has always been tough for me but really does make a difference.