Feeling miserable and not helped by weighing in at 20stones 7lbs this morning! 10 years ago I was a size 14 and 11stone. I was at the gym 5 days a week and swam a mile 3-4 times a week,I worked full time as a nurse and was always full of energy. I was kept busy by 2 teenage daughters with full social lives,I took them to concerts and festivals all over the UK and was having a ball.
Then like a bolt out of the blue my body had a massive systems failure. I had Flu which put me in hospital on a ventilator and when I woke up everything was wrong. It went from post viral fatigue to a list of diagnoses that left me in a wheelchair unable to walk,doubly incontinent, barely able to speak, constant pain from Fybromialgia and osteoporosis arthritis, Functional neurological disorders which gave me fit like symptoms where I switched off without warning anywhere and while doing anything! This meant I could no longer work or drive so I was sat at home 24/7 unable to do anything for myself and going crazy.I lost all of my friends by the end of the second year as I couldn’t socialise anymore and my family just carried on like I wasn’t there(which I wasn’t).I was on so many medications for so many conditions most of which had side effects and a lot made me gain weight.From hyperactive fitness bunny to housebound,chair bound blob in 6yrs.
Everytime I see a consultant from any speciality they say if I lost weight I’d feel better and if I ask for help I’m told the NHS don’t see people for dietary advice and the only thing they could offer is gastric surgery!
I can’t walk and have very limited arm movements,swimming and any gym activities are out for safety reasons due to the absence seizures. Can anyone suggest any wheelchair activities that would be suitable to help me lose weight or give me any advice regarding how to approach my doctors for help?
I can lose a stone easily using healthy eating and fasts but then it stops and I can gain 7lbs overnight literally. If anyone has any ideas I’ll take them gladly.
Thankyou for letting me join your group