Hello - I am new - looking to lose 3 s... - Weight Loss Support

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Hello - I am new - looking to lose 3 stone by next April (1 year)

Tweedygirl profile image
TweedygirlRestart April 2024
13 Replies

Hello all - I am looking to lose 3 stone for a holiday I have booked - I have lost 3 stone already but cannot seem to shift any more now!!

I am back on it now and going to work really hard to get this off!!

Anyone else out there that wants to chat to me you are welcome xxx

Any tips appreciated xxx

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Tweedygirl profile image
Restart April 2024
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13 Replies
Newoldme profile image

Hi darling, so inspirational to see other people with similar goals! Keep us updated and stay strong


I'm new here too and starting fresh today with 94lbs to lose in total. Congratulations on your loss so far - that's amazing. Where are you off on holiday?

Have a good one,


Tweedygirl profile image
TweedygirlRestart April 2024 in reply to

Hi Deb,

I want to go to Florida xx I want to be ok in a swimming costume xxx

I would have lost 6 stone if I can get this next 3 off xxx

We can do this!!! :)

I will try to update my posts with my progress xxx

in reply to Tweedygirl

Ooooohhhh Florida! I'm jealous! I'd love to go there one day. Well you definitely have a good motivator and something to aim for. You're right - we can do this! xx

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone

Hi and welcome, Tweedygirl :)

Well done for losing 3 stone, but it sounds as if you've hit a plateau and need a rethink on the way forward. Have a look at this healthunlocked.com/nhsweigh... and consider this phcuk.org/wp-content/upload...

Follow this link to our chat thread and a list of all the activities we run. We've found active participation to be key to success, especially with our weigh-ins and Daily Diary.


To make navigating the forum easier, we've put all the information you'll need in a newbie pack and here's the link


Please take the time to read it carefully, so that you're able to enjoy everything that we have on offer.

We ask that you also read this important information about internet privacy and security.


Wishing you all the best :)

Tweedygirl profile image
TweedygirlRestart April 2024 in reply to moreless

Hi ya x

Thank you xx I have downloaded the first week and looked at the recipes, I really hope I will stick to these changes this time xx

Thank you for the info x I will look through it all carefully x

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Tweedygirl

How did you lose the 3 stone? Were you using a calorie controlled, low fat diet?

Tweedygirl profile image
TweedygirlRestart April 2024 in reply to moreless

yes x I restricted my calories and I had some stress going on which helped! - but I didn't exercise and it meant I am now a bit wobblier then I would like!

I just slipped back into old habits and put 6lb on so I need to lose it again x

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Tweedygirl

You may find that you need to swap it up a bit. Calorie restriction leads to a lowering of your metabolic rate. Reducing carbs instead, could be the answer.

Start doing exercise that you enjoy and can see yourself sticking with, rather than going full steam ahead and giving up in a few week's time. Walking is a good place to start and then you might like to consider the Couch to 5K programme. I found that running tightened my tum better than anything else I tried. healthunlocked.com/couchto5k

Tweedygirl profile image
TweedygirlRestart April 2024 in reply to moreless

oh perfect - not thought of carb restriction - this sounds like a good idea!!

I have already got the couch to 5k and I am hoping to start that tonight xxx I have a bad knee so I may just start walking - will see how I get on x

Thank you for all your help xx

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Tweedygirl

Join our daily diary and you'll get all sorts of ideas and you might like to join this forum too healthunlocked.com/lchf-diet

If you have a bad knee, I would hold off on the C25K, until it's better and stick to walking :)

S11m profile image

Hi, Tweedygirl

For weight loss in general, and particularly for getting off a "weight-loss plateau" (Intermittent) Fasting works well for most people, see:


It seems to work particularly well in combination with the LCHF (Low-Carbohydrate, High-Fat) diet, see the forum here on Health Unlocked.

Greenman81 profile image

Welcome. Start fresh tomorrow with a weigh in and target and let the good times roll. Ur end goal is a good one. I used Disneyland Paris for mine and got 30 off. Now I’m aiming lower again. Mini goals for the next 11 months and you’ll smash it.

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