i had a gastric bypass 6 years ago and lost 9 stone, the weight is slowly creeping back on, i have put 3 stone back on and am struggling to get it off. please help?
need to lose 3 stone help?? - Weight Loss Support
need to lose 3 stone help??

Start of simple, small amounts of exercise and cut out any food that has too much saturated fat? Try and eat fruit instead and go for a 10 minute walk a day, maybe increase this slowly and improve your diet slowly, that's what I'm trying anyway!
Hi W1llow,
Intrinsically all the free advice on these blogs and on the NHS live well lose weight pages, including the free lose weight plan applies, but there are some things that are different after you've had a gastric bypass.
My very limited understanding is that it changes how some of the hormones fassociated with fat storage and fat burning f.unction
I'd recommend you to get professional medical advice via your GP or perhaps from the team/dept who did the surgical procedure.
I'd also suggest searching around the web for any post bypass support forums. I'm not sure if any exist in the UK, but there certainly is in the US.
Hi W1llow,
The three key things is how much you eat (portion control) - which was a real big one for me - what you eat (clearing out the fatty, sweet and creamy stuff) and how often you eat (getting into an eating regime of say three moderate meals a day with snacks in between so that you eat something every two or three hours.
Having said that the meals - if you are like me - may well be more like the snacks I used to eat between meals! But your perceptions of food norms change as you get into new habits.
Educate yourself into have an awareness of the foods that are the most unhelpful for you. There's loads of advice around the web and there's lots of excellent good advice on the NHS live well lose weight pages.
In the final analysis, it is only you that can bring your weight down and get your eating habits under control and decide to do more exercise/activity. No-one else can realistically do it for you. It's a very personal choice and a very real personal commitment to yourself.
BTW, 3 stone is about 19 kgs which is what I have left to go to get to the top of the 'normal' BMI band which I'm hoping to get to within 6 months of my start. I've already lost about 7 kgs and feel loads better for it.
Good luck.
Eat less and do more! Simples
thankyou trjones i hadn't thought of that???!!!!!
thankyou Doikosp, i know i am comfort eating because i am so unhappy, i know ive got to start thinking how important it is to me to get the weight back off. my gp has referred me to a dietician but they haven't worked with bypass patients so dont know where to start. i have got to exercise too, difficult when you are disabled (yes i know not impossible before i get those posts) the hardest step to take is the first one, either to the gym or asking for help. i have done the second now need to do the 1st. i hope i can keep in touch with people who have offered possitive help.
good luck to you too
As I've said elsewhere, there are so many ways of upping your exercise/activities that there just HAS to be something that suits your personality and needs.
As for going to the gym - well you're a braver man than I.
Sorry dear gym enthusiasts, but I just can't stand the places. I'll do my exercise at home, or outside in the fresh air, running up the stairs at work, but wild horses wouldn't drag me to a gym.
BTW, I was surprised to find out that many disabled ex-servicemen used Bullworkers and that sort of kit on the muscles they were able to, using the limbs they had.
You could probably get one on ebay (I did), but there are many other similar bits of kit around that might (or might not) be useful for people.
It's about finding your way of doing it.
have alot of veg + fruits + 2-3 breades + fish for 4 days a week