Hello all, just wandering if anyone has any advice on what to do next?
I was diagnosed with PCOS about 4 years ago now. I'm currently on the pill which is a life saver because before I went on it I was just on a constant heavy period. But when I do have a period they are so painful I have to live off pain killers and walk round with a hot water bottle on my tummy. I also get extream tiredness that is so bad I quite often over sleep for work even though I get an early night. I have had blood test done to check I'm not lacking in anything and all has been fine.
I had a laparoscopy done this year to check for endometriosis and none was found. But they did find my ovary was stuck to the pelvic floor wall. They moved it back into place there and then but they still don't know what caused it and I still have the pain there.
I also seem to constantly get UTI's and yeast infection.
I don't know what to do next. Are theys just symptoms of PCOS that I've just got to learn live with or is there anything els I can do? Or is this a different health problem all together and nothing to do with PCOS? My Dr doesn't seem to know either.
I have tried changing my diet which has helped but only by a little bit.
I've just had enough of feeling tired all the time and being in pain. Would appreciate any advice. Xx